Cough stirrup!


DATE: May 18, 2016, 2:37 a.m.

FORMAT: Text only

SIZE: 435 Bytes

HITS: 650

  1. What type of horses only go out at night?
  2. (Nightmares!)
  3. What did the pony say when it had a sore throat?
  4. (I'm a little hoarse!)
  5. Why did the boy stand behind the horse?
  6. (He thought he might get a kick out of it!)
  7. How long should a racehorse's legs be?
  8. (Long enough to reach the ground!)
  9. What type of horse can jump higher than a house?
  10. (All of them. Houses can't jump!)
  11. What do you give a sick horse?
  12. (Cough stirrup!)

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