UTorrent SOFTWARE USERS ARE GETTING aloud "tree" Bitcoin


DATE: April 16, 2015, 2:17 a.m.

FORMAT: Text only

SIZE: 1.8 kB

HITS: 675

  1. Accordingly, in the process of installing uTorrent users (3.4.2), the software silently installed on a user's computer application called Epic Scale. Epic Scale can tap into your computer's CPU to quietly digging Litecoin - a variant of the Bitcoin virtual currency. It is worth mentioning that the user is almost unknown to the appearance of Epic Scale in your computer. The service was only discovered when some users find their CPU overload signs during use uTorrent. This action is seen as an act of "stealing" CPU of the user in order to profit.
  2. BitTorrent - uTorrent development company, has confirmed that they have installed on PC user Epic Scale during install uTorrent users. However, BitTorrent said that they did not do this as a sneaky way of whistleblowers. "We have carefully reviewed and confirmed that no sneaking install Epic Scale. When installing uTorrent, we made use of a provision that would provide the user Epic Scale and agreed with This clause "- a representative of BitTorrent said.
  3. Currently, those who owned botnet botnets often taking advantage of the victim's computer to plow Bitcoin virtual currency, pushing the damage, the cost of the education process towards virtual currency victim's computer. The services of the nature of uTorrent also somewhat similar to the case of a botnet above. Users who do not pay attention during installation uTorrent will easily become "prey" Epic Scale software to take advantage of virtual money plowing, whereas the damage from overloading the CPU to run will be led by the they suffer.
  4. Users should quickly remove EpicScale (C: \ ProgramData \ Epicscale) and consider using a different software torrent download.
  5. Forum signup http://goo.gl/MTVtNE

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