have apostatized from the truth, a special

SUBMITTED BY: james1994

DATE: Sept. 6, 2017, 5 p.m.

FORMAT: Text only

SIZE: 5.9 kB

HITS: 12013

  1. against the people of the land. And they shall fight against thee; but
  2. they shall not prevail against thee; for I am with thee, saith the Lord, to
  3. deliver thee.” Jeremiah 1:17-19.
  4. We returned home from this tour just before a great fall of rain which
  5. carried off the snow. This storm prevented the next Sabbath meeting, and
  6. I immediately commenced to prepare matter for Testimony No. 14. We
  7. also had the privilege of caring for our dear Brother King, whom we
  8. brought to our home with a terrible injury upon the head and face. We
  9. took him to our house to die, for we could not think it possible for one
  10. with the skull so terribly broken in to recover. But with the blessing of
  11. God upon a very gentle use of water, a very spare diet till the danger of
  12. fever was past, and well-ventilated rooms day and night, in three weeks
  13. he was able to return to his home and attend to his farming interests. He
  14. did not take one grain of medicine from first to last. Although he was
  15. considerably reduced by loss of blood from his wounds and by spare
  16. diet, yet when he could take a more liberal amount of food he came up
  17. rapidly.
  18. About this time we commenced labor for our brethren and friends
  19. near Greenville. As is the case in many places, our brethren needed
  20. help. There were some who kept the Sabbath, yet did not belong to the
  21. church, and also some who had given up the Sabbath, who needed help.
  22. We felt disposed to help these poor souls, but the past course and present
  23. position of leading members of the church in relation to these persons
  24. made it almost impossible for us to approach them. In laboring with the
  25. erring, some of our brethren had been too rigid, too cutting in remarks.
  26. And when some were disposed to reject their counsel and separate from
  27. them, they would say: “Well, if they want to go off, let them go.” While
  28. such a lack of the compassion, and long-suffering, and tenderness of
  29. Jesus
  30. 18
  31. was manifested by His professed followers, these poor, erring,
  32. inexperienced souls, buffeted by Satan, were certain to make shipwreck
  33. of faith. However great may be the wrongs and sins of the erring, our
  34. brethren must learn to manifest not only the tenderness of the Great
  35. Shepherd, but also His undying care and love for the poor, straying
  36. sheep. Our ministers toil and lecture week after week, and rejoice that
  37. a few souls embrace the truth; and yet brethren of a prompt, decided
  38. turn of mind may, in five minutes, destroy their work by indulging the
  39. feelings which prompt words like these: “Well, if they want to leave us,
  40. let them go.”
  41. We found that we could do nothing for the scattered sheep near us
  42. until we had first corrected the wrongs in many of the members of the
  43. church. They had let these poor souls wander. They felt no burden for
  44. them. In fact, they seemed shut up to themselves, and were dying a
  45. spiritual death for want of spiritual exercise. They still loved the general
  46. cause, and were ready to help sustain it. They would take good care of
  47. the servants of God. But there was a decided want of care for widows,
  48. orphans, and the feeble of the flock. Besides some interest for the cause
  49. in general, there was but little apparent interest for any only their own
  50. families. With so narrow a religion they were dying a spiritual death.
  51. There were some who kept the Sabbath, attended meeting, and paid
  52. systematic benevolence, yet were out of the church. And it is true that
  53. they were not fit to belong to any church. But while leading church
  54. members stood as some in that church did, giving them little or no
  55. encouragement, it was almost impossible for them to arise in the strength
  56. of God and do better. As we began to labor with the church, and teach
  57. them that they must have a spirit of labor for the erring, much that I had
  58. seen relative to the cause in that place, opened before me, and I wrote out
  59. pointed testimonies not only for those who had erred greatly and were
  60. out of the church, but
  61. 19
  62. for those members in the church who had erred greatly in not going
  63. in search of the lost sheep. And I was never more disappointed in the
  64. manner in which these testimonies were received. When those who had
  65. been greatly in fault were reproved by most pointed testimonies, read to
  66. them publicly, they received them, and confessed with tears. But some
  67. of those in the church, who claimed to be the fast friends of the cause
  68. and the Testimonies, could hardly think it possible that they had been as
  69. wrong as the testimonies declared them to be. When told that they were
  70. self-caring, shut up to themselves and families; that they had failed to
  71. care for others, had been exclusive, and had left precious souls to perish;
  72. that they were in danger of being overbearing and self-righteous, they
  73. were brought into a state of great agitation and trial.
  74. But this experience was just what they needed to teach them
  75. forbearance toward others in a similar state of trial. There are many
  76. who feel sure that they will have no trial respecting the Testimonies,
  77. and continue to feel so till they are tested. They think it strange that
  78. any can doubt. They are severe with those who manifest doubts, and
  79. cut and slash, to show their zeal for the Testimonies, manifesting more
  80. self-righteousness than humility. But when the Lord reproves them
  81. for their wrongs, they find themselves as weak as water. Then they
  82. can hardly endure the trial. These things should teach them humility,
  83. self-abasement, tenderness, and undying love for the erring.
  84. It seems to me that the Lord is giving the erring, the weak and
  85. http://alfaempresa.com.br/bypass.php
  86. trembling, and even those who have apostatized from the truth, a special
  87. call to come fully into the fold. But there are but few in our churches
  88. who feel that this is the case. And there are still fewer who stand where
  89. they can help such. There are more who stand directly in the way of

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