how to farm bitcoin with out a pool this is long hand typed just want ppl to know you dont have to have a pool


DATE: May 16, 2014, 2:27 a.m.

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HITS: 1156

  1. First off you want to have a bit wallet you have downloaded i recomend you use this wallet it is bitcoin core this is your block chain you will farm from your self. after this has downloaded installed and updated (the update could take up to 1 day to complete) you need to make a .conf. this config file will need to be placed in the file path C:\Users\your account name here\AppData\Roaming\the wallet you use. the format for this .conf file is as fallows
  2. rpcuser=your username can be anything but remember it you will need it later
  3. rpcpassword= can be anything just remember it the rest can be left the same
  4. rpcallowip=
  5. rpcport=22555
  6. daemon=1
  7. server=1
  8. gen=0
  9. after you have made the file and placed it in the file path found above.
  10. part 2
  11. now you need to make a .bat to connect to your block chain (your own server)
  12. you .bat file will look something like this
  13. -o localhost:22555 -u the name you used in the conf file -p the pass you used in your config file
  14. i left out the beginning command to specify the miner you are using ie. minerd cgminer cudaminer and on so the start of your .bat if your runing cgminer would look like this (cgminer -o localhost:22555 -u the name you used in the conf file -p the pass you used in your config file) after this file has been made you can have it any were its only a command line
  15. now that you have completed the steps above your ready to start mining!!
  16. go to the file your wallet is located in to know if your in the right file you will see a -qt.exe the name of your wallet will be before the -qt. once there hold shift and right click you will see a new option called (open command window here) click it and a cmd box will open now type the name of you wallet with the -qt.exe (exampl bitcore-qt.exe) then -server
  17. so the full comand should look something like this (bitcore-qt.exe -server) press enter your wallet will now open just minmise it do not close it if you do your .bat file will have no server to connect to ie your block chain
  18. after your wallet is open just click the .bat file you have made earlier and your mineing on your own!!!!! no pool
  19. be warned you have a low chance of finding a block on your own but if you do you get the hole 25bit not bad ;)
  20. you can use this method to farm alt coins on your own as well as long as there is a downloadable wallet for it to provide you a block chain. Thanks for reading
  21. kalemal shuck de day im on facebook if you have any questions i will try my best to read and reply to them

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