Christ, and parents do not discern

SUBMITTED BY: james1994

DATE: Sept. 8, 2017, 5:58 p.m.

FORMAT: Text only

SIZE: 4.1 kB

HITS: 19472

  1. Christ, for men, and for their own souls.
  2. Deal honestly and faithfully with your children. Work bravely and
  3. patiently. Fear no crosses, spare no time or labor, burden or suffering. The
  4. future of your children will testify the character of your work. Fidelity to
  5. Christ on your part can be better expressed in the symmetrical character
  6. of your children than in any other way. They are Christ’s property, bought
  7. with His own blood. If their influence is wholly on the side of Christ
  8. they are His colaborers, helping others to find the path of life. If you
  9. neglect your God-given work, your unwise course of discipline places
  10. them among the class who scatter from Christ and strengthen the kingdom
  11. of darkness.
  12. I speak the things I know; I testify to you the things which I have
  13. seen when I say there is among our youth, among educated young men
  14. of professedly Christian parents, a grievous offense in the sight of God,
  15. which is so common that it constitutes one of the signs of the last
  16. days. It is so full of evil tendencies as to call for decided exposure
  17. and denunciation. It is the sin of regarding with levity or contempt
  18. their early vows of consecration to God. In a religious interest the Holy
  19. Spirit moved upon them to take their stand wholly under the bloodstained
  20. banner of Prince Immanuel. But the parents were so far from God
  21. themselves, so busily engaged in worldly business, or so filled with doubts
  22. and dissatisfaction in regard to their own religious experience, that they
  23. were wholly unfitted to give them instruction. These youth, in their
  24. inexperience, needed a wise, firm hand to point out the right way and
  25. to bar with counsel and restraint the wrong way.
  26. A religious life should be shown to be in marked contrast to a life of
  27. worldliness and pleasure seeking. He who would be the disciple of Christ
  28. must take up the cross and bear it after Jesus. Our Saviour lived not to
  29. please Himself, neither must we. High spiritual attainments will require
  30. entire
  31. 40
  32. consecration to God. But this instruction has not been given the youth
  33. because it would contradict the life of the parents. Therefore the children
  34. have been left to gain a knowledge of the Christian life as best they could.
  35. When tempted to seek the society of worldlings and participate in worldly
  36. amusements, the fond parents, disliking to deny them any indulgence,
  37. have—if they have said or done anything in the matter—taken a position
  38. so indefinite and undecided that the children have judged for themselves
  39. that the course they desired to pursue was in keeping with the Christian
  40. life and character.
  41. Having once started in this way, they usually continue in it until the
  42. worldly element prevails and they sneer at their former convictions. They
  43. despise the simplicity manifested when their hearts were tender, and they
  44. find excuse to elude the sacred claims of the church and of the crucified
  45. Redeemer. This class can never become what they might have been
  46. had not the convictions of conscience been stifled, the holiest, tenderest
  47. affections blunted. If in after years they become followers of Christ, they
  48. will still bear the scars which irreverence for sacred things has made upon
  49. their souls.
  50. Parents do not see these things. They do not foresee the result of their
  51. course. They do not feel that their children need the tenderest culture, the
  52. most careful discipline in the divine life. They do not look upon them as
  53. being in a peculiar sense the property of Christ, the purchase of His blood,
  54. the trophies of His grace, and as such, skillful instruments in God’s hands
  55. to be used for the upbuilding of His kingdom. Satan is ever seeking to
  56. wrest these youth from the hands of Christ, and parents do not discern
  58. that the great adversary is planting his hellish banners close by their sides.
  59. They are so blinded they think it is the banner of Christ.
  60. By ambition or indolence, skepticism or self-indulgence, Satan allures
  61. the young from the narrow path of holiness cast up for the

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