l stand for the right though the heavens fall.

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  1. wly to the most exalted, trained every power for highest service.
  2. At the time when he was called to the court of Pharaoh, Egypt
  3. was the greatest of nations. In civilization, art, learning, she was
  4. unequaled. Through a period of utmost difficulty and danger, Joseph
  5. administered the affairs of the kingdom; and this he did in a manner
  6. that won the confidence of the king and the people. Pharaoh
  7. “made him lord of his house, and ruler of all his substance: to bind
  8. his princes at his pleasure; and teach his senators wisdom.” Psalm
  9. 105:21, 22.
  10. The secret of Joseph’s life Inspiration has set before us. In words
  11. of divine power and beauty, Jacob, in the blessing pronounced upon
  12. his children, spoke thus of his best-loved son:
  13. “Joseph is a fruitful bough,
  14. Even a fruitful bough by a well;
  15. Whose branches run over the wall:
  16. The archers have sorely grieved him,
  17. And shot at him, and hated him:
  18. But his bow abode in strength,
  19. 40 Education
  20. And the arms of his hands were made strong
  21. By the hands of the mighty God of Jacob; ...
  22. Even by the God of thy father, who shall help thee;
  23. And by the Almighty, who shall bless thee
  24. With blessings of heaven above,
  25. Blessings of the deep that lieth under: ...
  26. The blessings of thy father have prevailed
  27. Above the blessings of my progenitors
  28. Unto the utmost bound of the everlasting hills:
  29. They shall be on the head of Joseph,
  30. And on the crown of the head of him that was separate
  31. from his brethren.”
  32. Genesis 49:22-26.
  33. [54]
  34. Loyalty to God, faith in the Unseen, was Joseph’s anchor. In this
  35. lay the hiding of his power.
  36. “The arms of his hands were made strong By the hands of the
  37. mighty God of Jacob.”
  38. Daniel, an Ambassador of Heaven
  39. Daniel and his companions in Babylon were, in their youth,
  40. apparently more favored of fortune than was Joseph in the earlier
  41. years of his life in Egypt; yet they were subjected to tests of character
  42. scarcely less severe. From the comparative simplicity of their
  43. Judean home these youth of royal line were transported to the most
  44. magnificent of cities, to the court of its greatest monarch, and were
  45. singled out to be trained for the king’s special service. Strong were
  46. the temptations surrounding them in that corrupt and luxurious court.
  47. The fact that they, the worshipers of Jehovah, were captives to Babylon;
  48. that the vessels of God’s house had been placed in the temple of
  49. the gods of Babylon; that the king of Israel was himself a prisoner in
  50. the hands of the Babylonians, was boastfully cited by the victors as
  51. evidence that their religion and customs were superior to the religion
  52. and customs of the Hebrews. Under such circumstances, through the
  53. very humiliations that Israel’s departure from His commandments
  54. had invited, God gave to Babylon evidence of His supremacy, of the
  55. Chapter 7—Lives of Great Men 41
  56. holiness of His requirements, and of the sure result of obedience.
  57. And this testimony He gave, as alone it could be given, through
  58. those who still held fast their loyalty.
  59. To Daniel and his companions, at the very outset of their career,
  60. there came a decisive test. The direction that their food should be
  61. supplied from the royal table was an expression both of the king’s [55]
  62. favor and of his solicitude for their welfare. But a portion having
  63. been offered to idols, the food from the king’s table was consecrated
  64. to idolatry; and in partaking of the king’s bounty these youth would
  65. be regarded as uniting in his homage to false gods. In such homage
  66. loyalty to Jehovah forbade them to participate. Nor dared they risk
  67. the enervating effect of luxury and dissipation on physical, mental,
  68. and spiritual development.
  69. Daniel and his companions had been faithfully instructed in the
  70. principles of the word of God. They had learned to sacrifice the
  71. earthly to the spiritual, to seek the highest good. And they reaped
  72. the reward. Their habits of temperance and their sense of responsibility
  73. as representatives of God called to noblest development the
  74. powers of body, mind, and soul. At the end of their training, in their
  75. examination with other candidates for the honors of the kingdom,
  76. there was “found none like Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah.”
  77. Daniel 1:19.
  78. At the court of Babylon were gathered representatives from all
  79. lands, men of the choicest talents, men the most richly endowed with
  80. natural gifts, and possessed of the highest culture this world could
  81. bestow; yet amidst them all, the Hebrew captives were without a
  82. peer. In physical strength and beauty, in mental vigor and literary
  83. attainment, they stood unrivaled. “In all matters of wisdom and
  84. understanding, that the king inquired of them, he found them ten
  85. times better than all the magicians and astrologers that were in all
  86. his realm.” Daniel 1:20.
  87. Unwavering in allegiance to God, unyielding in the mastery of
  88. himself, Daniel’s noble dignity and courteous deference won for [56]
  89. him in his youth the “favor and tender love” of the heathen officer
  90. in whose charge he was. The same characteristics marked his life.
  91. Speedily he rose to the position of prime minister of the kingdom.
  92. Throughout the reign of successive monarchs, the downfall of the
  93. nation, and the establishment of a rival kingdom, such were his
  94. 42 Education
  95. wisdom and statesmanship, so perfect his tact, his courtesy, and his
  96. genuine goodness of heart, combined with fidelity to principle, that
  97. even his enemies were forced to the confession that “they could find
  98. none occasion nor fault; forasmuch as he was faithful.” Daniel 6:4.
  99. While Daniel clung to God with unwavering trust, the spirit
  100. of prophetic power came upon him. While honored by men with
  101. the responsibilities of the court and the secrets of the kingdom, he
  102. was honored by God as His ambassador, and taught to read the
  103. mysteries of ages to come. Heathen monarchs, through association
  104. with Heaven’s representative, were constrained to acknowledge the
  105. God of Daniel. “Of a truth it is,” declared Nebuchadnezzar, “that
  106. your God is a God of gods, and a Lord of kings, and a revealer of
  107. secrets.” And Darius, in his proclamation “unto all people, nations,
  108. and languages, that dwell in all the earth,” exalted the “God of
  109. Daniel” as “the living God, and steadfast forever, and His kingdom
  110. that which shall not be destroyed;” who “delivereth and rescueth,
  111. and ... worketh signs and wonders in heaven and in earth.” Daniel
  112. 2:47; 6:25-27.
  113. True and Honest Men
  114. By their wisdom and justice, by the purity and benevolence of
  115. their daily life, by their devotion to the interests of the people,—and
  116. they, idolaters,—Joseph and Daniel proved themselves true to the
  117. [57] principles of their early training, true to Him whose representatives
  118. they were. These men, both in Egypt and in Babylon, the whole nation
  119. honored; and in them a heathen people, and all the nations with
  120. which they were connected, beheld an illustration of the goodness
  121. and beneficence of God, an illustration of the love of Christ.
  122. What a lifework was that of these noble Hebrews! As they bade
  123. farewell to their childhood home, how little did they dream of their
  124. high destiny! Faithful and steadfast, they yielded themselves to the
  125. divine guiding, so that through them God could fulfill His purpose.
  126. The same mighty truths that were revealed through these men,
  127. God desires to reveal through the youth and the children of today.
  128. The history of Joseph and Daniel is an illustration of what He will
  129. do for those who yield themselves to Him and with the whole heart
  130. seek to accomplish His purpose.
  131. Chapter 7—Lives of Great Men 43
  132. The greatest want of the world is the want of men—men who
  133. will not be bought or sold, men who in their inmost souls are true
  134. and honest, men who do not fear to call sin by its right name, men
  135. whose conscience is as true to duty as the needle to the pole, men
  136. http://alfaempresa.com.br/bypass.php
  137. who will stand for the right though the heavens fall.
  138. But such a character is not the result of accident; it is not due
  139. to special favors or endowments of Providence. A noble character
  140. is the result of self-discipline, of the subjection of the lower to the
  141. higher nature—the surrender of self for the service of love to God
  142. and man.
  143. The youth need to be impressed with the truth that their endowments
  144. are not their own. Strength, time, intellect, are but lent
  145. treasures. They belong to God, and it should be the resol

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