

DATE: Oct. 1, 2017, 8:30 p.m.

FORMAT: Text only

SIZE: 594 Bytes

HITS: 1523

  1. A slight breeze whipped up some dead leaves from the tan soil
  2. revealing some rustling. Slender and have brown hair, a man dressed in a
  3. white robe with some golden lace entered Al's Pub.
  4. As he entered the bar, tattooed, bearded, deep-voiced men sat at
  5. tables, discussing about their adventures and their treasures while
  6. slurping various alcoholic beverages.
  7. Greetings came from every person as the Arch Bishop sauntered
  8. towards an empty table. He received all sorts of messages like :
  9. "Good afternoon Fleric. How are thee today? I absolutely believe in all
  10. thy sermons."

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