Trump's defense of the 'very fine people' at Charlottesville white nationalist march has David Duke gushing

SUBMITTED BY: roshanlal21

DATE: Aug. 16, 2017, 12:15 p.m.

FORMAT: Text only

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HITS: 322

  1. This is what you have to think about President Donald Trump's wild news meeting Tuesday: It drew the quick acclaim of David Duke.
  2. The President's unexpected and aggressive turn around Tuesday, in which he lashed out at the media for misrepresenting racial oppressor dissenters in Charlottesville, drew the quick judgment of various legislators, including Republicans, and stunned the general population who saw them.
  3. In any case, one individual who was exceptionally content with the expressions of the US President was the previous Ku Klux Klan fantastic wizard David Duke, who similarly as fast responded on Twitter, saying thanks to the President "for your genuineness and valor."
  4. "Much obliged to you President Trump for your trustworthiness and fearlessness to come clean about #Charlottesville and censure the liberal psychological oppressors in BLM/Antifa," was the full tweet from a record that is not confirmed by Twitter but rather seems to speak to Duke and components recordings clearly posted by and of him.
  5. Trump utilized dialect natural to the "alt-right" and racial oppressors when he wailed over "evolving society" that would comes about because of the tearing down of statues regarding confederate commanders like Robert E. Lee, who Trump compared with establishing fathers like George Washington and Thomas Jefferson, who were slave proprietors.
  6. Trump: 'I know nothing about white supremacists' (2016)
  7. Trump: 'I don't know anything about racial oppressors' (2016) 01:30
  8. Trump censured the racial oppressors and neo-Nazis, however he protected as "fine individuals" a portion of the marchers who walked close by them.
  9. Trump was likewise gotten some information about Duke, who participated in the Charlottesville walk.

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