DATE: Jan. 30, 2017, 12:42 a.m.

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  2. For as long as I can remember my dreams have always had water in them. Either a glass of water, a violent storm, or a calm ocean. Water was just always there! I always thought that I was going to drown in real life, but this gives me a different perspective on water. This dream makes me wonder - "Is this how I'm going to die?" Alone in the darkness and no one or anything else in sight, at my fifteen years of age I felt as though I was in a void of nothingness. Like even I was not there! From out of the blackness, as I stood there unaccompanied, appeared a little blond-haired girl. She looked at me and I looked at her. I said nothing, but she announced, "I'm going to be with you ...When you die that is." With that, she turned and vanished. I was then in an old Chevy pickup truck and at 20 something years of age. At my left was my so-called boyfriend. To my right was my beau's brown-haired ex-girlfriend. She was standing outside the truck with the passenger door open. The ex and my boyfriend were arguing over the fact that he was with me instead of her.. She wanted him back, but all he could say was that he loved me now. The ex slammed the door shut and walked to the front of the pickup. I watched, but did not say a word. It was as if I was paralyzed. Suddenly, a little car drove up and stopped. The ex opened the car's passenger door and pulled out a 12-guage shotgun! I could hear her mumble under her breath, "you'll be sorry you messed with me!" Before I knew what was happening, she pointed the shotgun at the engine of the truck and pulled the trigger! The truck then exploded! As I was catapulted out of my seat all I could think of was, "please, God, don't let it hurt when I hit the ground..." It didn't hurt much, but I wish that it had - because it was the last thing I ever felt... When I opened my eyes, I experienced peace and warmth. But too, there was something very strange. I realized I was situated under some water! I wouldn't have known this had I not noticed rays of light reflecting off of the walls holding the water. I looked around and once again thought I was alone. I was wrong. The person sharing this watery grave with me spoke knowingly, "See... I told you I was going to be with you when you died."

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