and brazen walls against the whole land,

SUBMITTED BY: james1994

DATE: Sept. 6, 2017, 5 p.m.

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HITS: 11911

  1. be with him.
  2. As our series of meetings in this place was near its close, Brother
  3. Spooner of Tuscola came for us to visit that county. We sent
  4. appointments by him as he returned on Monday, and we followed on
  5. Thursday after the baptism. At Vassar we held our meetings Sabbath
  6. and first day at the union schoolhouse. This was a free place in which
  7. to speak, and we saw good fruit of our labors. First-day afternoon about
  8. thirty backsliders, and children who had made no profession, came
  9. 13
  10. forward. This was a very interesting and profitable meeting. Some were
  11. drawing back from the cause, for whom we especially felt to labor. But
  12. the time was short, and it seemed to me that we should leave the work
  13. unfinished. But our appointments were out for St. Charles and Alma,
  14. and to meet them we must close our labors in Vassar on Monday.
  15. That night what I had seen in vision concerning certain persons in
  16. Tuscola County was revived in a dream, and I was still more impressed
  17. that my work for that people was not done. Yet I saw no other way only
  18. to go on to our appointments. Tuesday we journeyed thirty-two miles
  19. to St. Charles and stopped for the night with Brother Griggs. Here I
  20. wrote fifteen pages of testimony, and attended meeting in the evening.
  21. Wednesday morning we decided to return to Tuscola if Brother Andrews
  22. would fill the appointment at Alma. To this he agreed. That morning I
  23. wrote fifteen pages more, attended a meeting and spoke one hour, and
  24. we rode thirty-three miles with Brother and Sister Griggs to Brother
  25. Spooner’s in Tuscola. Thursday morning we went to Watrousville, a
  26. distance of sixteen miles. I wrote sixteen pages, and attended an evening
  27. meeting, in which I gave a very pointed testimony to one present. The
  28. next morning I wrote twelve pages before breakfast, and returned to
  29. Tuscola, and wrote eight pages more.
  30. Sabbath my husband spoke in the forenoon, and I followed for
  31. two hours before taking food. The meeting was then closed for a
  32. few moments, and I took a little food, and afterward spoke in a social
  33. meeting for one hour, bearing pointed testimonies for several present.
  34. These testimonies were generally received with feelings of humility and
  35. gratitude. I cannot, however, say that all were so received.
  36. The next morning, as we were about to leave for the house of worship
  37. to engage in the arduous labors of the day, a sister for whom I had a
  38. testimony that she lacked discretion and
  39. 14
  40. caution, and did not fully control her words and actions, came in with her
  41. husband and manifested feelings of great unreconciliation and agitation.
  42. She commenced to talk and to weep. She murmured a little, and
  43. confessed a little, and justified self considerably. She had a wrong idea
  44. of many things I had stated to her. Her pride was touched as I brought out
  45. her faults in so public a manner. Here was evidently the main difficulty.
  46. But why should she feel thus? The brethren and sisters knew these things
  47. were so, therefore I was not informing them of anything new. But I doubt
  48. not that it was new to the sister herself. She did not know herself, and
  49. could not properly judge of her own words and acts. This is in a degree
  50. true of nearly all, hence the necessity of faithful reproofs in the church
  51. and the cultivation by all its members of love for the plain testimony.
  52. Her husband seemed to feel unreconciled to my bringing out her
  53. faults before the church and stated that if Sister White had followed the
  54. directions of our Lord in Matthew 18:15-17 he should not have felt hurt:
  55. “Moreover if thy brother shall trespass against thee, go and tell him his
  56. fault between thee and him alone: if he shall hear thee, thou hast gained
  57. thy brother. But if he will not hear thee, then take with thee one or two
  58. more, that in the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be
  59. established. And if he shall neglect to hear them, tell it unto the church:
  60. but if he neglect to hear the church, let him be unto thee as an heathen
  61. man and a publican.”
  62. My husband then stated that he should understand that these words
  63. of our Lord had reference to cases of personal trespass, and could not be
  64. applied in the case of this sister. She had not trespassed against Sister
  65. White. But that which had been reproved publicly was public wrongs
  66. which threatened the prosperity of the church and the cause. Here, said
  67. my husband, is a text applicable to the case: 1 Timothy 5:20 : “Them
  68. that sin rebuke before all, that others also may fear.”
  69. 15
  70. The brother acknowledged his error like a Christian and seemed
  71. reconciled to the matter. It was evident that since the meeting of Sabbath
  72. afternoon they had got many things about the matter wonderfully
  73. magnified and wrong. It was therefore proposed that the written
  74. testimony be read. When this was done, the sister who was reproved
  75. by it, inquired: “Is that what you stated yesterday?” I replied that it was.
  76. She seemed surprised and quite reconciled to the written testimony. This
  77. I gave her, without reserving a copy. Here I did wrong. But I had such
  78. tender regard for her and her husband, and such ardent desires and hopes
  79. for their prosperity, that, in this case, I broke over an established custom.
  80. Already meeting time was passing, and we hastened one mile and
  81. a half to the waiting congregation. The reader may judge whether the
  82. scene of that morning was well adapted to aid us in the collection of
  83. thought and nerve necessary to stand before the people. But who thinks
  84. of this? Some may, and show a little mercy, while the impulsive and
  85. careless will come with their burdens and trials, generally just before we
  86. are to speak, or when perfectly exhausted by speaking. My husband,
  87. however, summoned all his energies, and by request spoke with freedom
  88. on the law and the gospel. I had received an invitation to speak in the
  89. afternoon in the new house of worship recently built and dedicated by the
  90. Methodists. This commodious building was crowded, and many were
  91. obliged to stand. I spoke with freedom for about an hour and a half upon
  92. the first of the two great commandments repeated by our Lord, and was
  93. surprised to learn that it was the same from which the Methodist minister
  94. had spoken in the forenoon. He and his people were present to hear what
  95. I had to say.
  96. In the evening we had a precious interview at Brother Spooner’s with
  97. Brethren Miller, Hatch, and Haskell, and Sisters Sturges, Bliss, Harrison,
  98. and Malin. We now felt
  99. 16
  100. that our work for the present was done in Tuscola County. We became
  101. very much interested in this dear people, yet feared that the sister
  102. referred to, for whom I had a testimony, would let Satan take advantage
  103. of her and cause them trouble. I felt an earnest desire that she might
  104. view the matter in its true light. The course she had been pursuing was
  105. destroying her influence in the church and outside of it. But now, if she
  106. would receive the needed reproof, and humbly seek to improve by it,
  107. the church would take her anew into their hearts, and the people would
  108. think more of her Christianity. And what is better still, she could enjoy
  109. the approving smiles of her dear Redeemer. Would she fully receive the
  110. testimony? was my anxious inquiry. I feared that she would not and
  111. that the hearts of the brethren in that county would be saddened on her
  112. account.
  113. After returning home, I sent to her for a copy of the testimony, and
  114. on the 15th of April received the following, dated at Denmark, April 11,
  115. 1868: “Sister White: Yours of the 23d ult. Is at hand. Am sorry I cannot
  116. comply with your request.”
  117. I shall still cherish the tenderest feelings of regard for this family,
  118. and shall be happy to help them when I can. It is true that such treatment
  119. from those for whom I give my life casts a shade of sadness over me;
  120. but my course has been so plainly marked out for me that I cannot let
  121. such things keep me from the path of duty. As I returned from the
  122. post office with the above note, feeling rather depressed in spirit, I took
  123. the Bible, and opened it with the prayer that I might find comfort and
  124. support therein, and my eye rested directly upon the following words
  125. of the prophet: “Thou therefore gird up thy loins, and arise, and speak
  126. unto them all that I command thee: be not dismayed at their faces, lest
  127. I confound thee before them. For, behold, I have made thee this day a
  128. defensed city, and an iron pillar, and brazen walls against the whole land,
  129. against the
  131. 17
  132. kings of Judah, against the princes thereof, against

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