11 May 2016 Baghdad bombings


DATE: May 15, 2016, 6:12 a.m.

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  1. On 11 May 2016, a truck bombing in Baghdad, the capital of Iraq, killed at least 65 people and wounded 87.[3] The bomb exploded in a crowded outdoor market in the eastern part of Sadr City, killing mostly women and children.[3] Later in the day, a suicide attack occurred in the Shiite Kadhimiya neighborhood, killing 18 and wounding 43.[2] In the Jamea district in western Baghdad, another car bomb went off in the afternoon, killing at least 13 people.[4] At least seven people were killed and twenty others were wounded in the car bomb explosion that took place in al-Rabie’ street in western Baghdad.[5] The attacks were preceded by another bombing in Samawa on May 1.
  2. There were also many attacks outside of Baghdad of the same day. Five mortar shells fell near residential houses in the vicinity near Baqubah, resulting in the death of two civilians and wounding three others.[6] An explosive device that was emplaced on the roadside near Baqubah went off while a taxi was passing in the area, resulting in the injury of two persons that were inside it.[7] ISIS selected five young civilians to take their handguns and shoot five Iraqi soldiers in the head.[8]

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