
SUBMITTED BY: shakeelowais

DATE: March 15, 2016, 6:42 p.m.

FORMAT: Text only

SIZE: 887 Bytes

HITS: 4504

  1. Only that Love that seeks no personal gratification or reward, that does not make distinctions, and that leaves behind no heartaches, can be called divine.
  2. Men, clinging to self and to the comfortless shadows of evil, are in the habit of thinking of divine Love as something belonging to a God who is out of reach; as something outside themselves, and that must for ever remain outside. Truly, the Love of God is ever beyond the reach of self, but when the heart and mind are emptied of self then the selfless Love, the supreme Love, the Love that is of God or Good becomes an inward and abiding reality.
  3. And this inward realization of holy Love is none other than the Love of Christ that is so much talked about and so little comprehended. The Love that not only saves the soul from sin, but lifts it also above the power of temptation.
  4. sgha'wergh
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  6. wejg
  7. weejprojgpwe[eo

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