

DATE: May 31, 2014, 2:52 p.m.

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HITS: 1179

  1. Eat Your Toe or Run Naked?
  2. I’m being killed off by the Kardashians, or maybe they've just driven me insane.
  3. I think that if I have to hear that name “Kardashian” one more time I am going to have to eat my big toe or run naked down the street. I feel like I’m going to crack.
  4. It dawned on me they will never go away…they will continue to breed and there will be Kardashians populating the Earth long after man has become extinct…they, like cockroaches, will continue to mate and procreate with no more to offer this planet than oversized arses most women would not want.
  5. I tear up when I think my grandchildren will be forced to read about their grandchildren, and that the only way to get rid of these buxom, big-bottomed beeyotches is to curl up in the bottom of a closet with your binky and blanky and never leave.
  6. I don’t know, is there anyone in the world who finds the Kardashian “Klan” all that interesting? Is Kim's behind so divine it deserves its own reality show??
  7. I am so done with these vapid vamps violating my visual space as I channel surf in the privacy of my own home, I’m prepared to perform that toe munching, feet feat if it would get them off my TV once and for all.
  8. How about you? Do you like Kim Kardashian et al or would you rather eat your toe or run naked?
  9. Drawing by me

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