

DATE: Sept. 14, 2017, 2:48 p.m.

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  1. Dictionary Thesaurus Translate
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  3. good [ good ]
  4. Main Entry: good
  5. Part of Speech: adjective
  6. Definition: pleasant, fine
  7. Synonyms: acceptable, ace*, admirable, agreeable, bad, boss*, bully, capital, choice, commendable, congenial, crack*, deluxe, excellent, exceptional, favorable, first-class, first-rate, gnarly, gratifying, great, honorable, marvelous, neat*, nice, pleasing, positive, precious, prime, rad, recherché, reputable, satisfactory, satisfying, select, shipshape, sound, spanking, splendid, sterling, stupendous, super, super-eminent, super-excellent, superb, superior, tip-top, up to snuff, valuable, welcome, wonderful, worthy
  8. Antonyms: bad, detestable, disagreeable, unpleasant
  9. Main Entry: good
  10. Part of Speech: adjective
  11. Definition: moral, virtuous
  12. Synonyms: admirable, blameless, charitable, dutiful, estimable, ethical, exemplary, guiltless, honest, honorable, incorrupt, inculpable, innocent, irreprehensible, irreproachable, lily-white, obedient, praiseworthy, pure, reputable, respectable, right, righteous, sound, tractable, uncorrupted, untainted, upright, well-behaved, worthy
  13. Antonyms: evil, immoral, noxious, sinful, unvirtuous, vile, wicked
  14. Main Entry: good
  15. Part of Speech: adjective
  16. Definition: competent, skilled
  17. Synonyms: able, accomplished, adept, adroit, au fait, capable, clever, dexterous, efficient, expert, first-rate, proficient, proper, qualified, reliable, satisfactory, serviceable, skillful, suitable, suited, talented, thorough, trustworthy, useful
  18. Antonyms: incompetent, unskilled, unsuitable
  19. Main Entry: good
  20. Part of Speech: adjective
  21. Definition: useful, adequate
  22. Synonyms: acceptable, advantageous, all right, ample, appropriate, approving, apt, auspicious, becoming, benefic, beneficial, benignant, brave, commendatory, commending, common, conformable, congruous, convenient, decent, desirable, favorable, favoring, fit, fitting, fruitful, healthful, healthy, helpful, hygienic, meet, needed, opportune, profitable, proper, propitious, respectable, right, salubrious, salutary, satisfying, seemly, serviceable, suitable, tolerable, toward, unobjectionable, wholesome
  23. Antonyms: inadequate, rotten, unsuitable
  24. Main Entry: good
  25. Part of Speech: adjective
  26. Definition: reliable; untainted
  27. Synonyms: dependable, eatable, fit to eat, flawless, fresh, intact, loyal, normal, perfect, safe, solid, sound, stable, trustworthy, unblemished, uncontaminated, uncorrupted, undamaged, undecayed, unhurt, unimpaired, unspoiled, vigorous, whole
  28. Antonyms: noxious, rotten, tainted, unreliable
  29. Main Entry: good
  30. Part of Speech: adjective
  31. Definition: kind, giving
  32. Synonyms: altruistic, approving, beneficent, benevolent, charitable, considerate, friendly, gracious, humane, humanitarian, kindhearted, merciful, obliging, philanthropic, tolerant, well-disposed
  33. Antonyms: bad, mean, vicious
  34. Main Entry: good
  35. Part of Speech: adjective
  36. Definition: authentic, real
  37. Synonyms: bona fide, conforming, dependable, genuine, honest, justified, kosher*, legitimate, loyal, orthodox, proper, regular, reliable, sound, strict, true, trustworthy, valid, well-founded
  38. Antonyms: fake, forged, unreal
  39. Main Entry: good
  40. Part of Speech: adjective
  41. Definition: well-behaved
  42. Synonyms: considerate, decorous, dutiful, kindly, mannerly, obedient, orderly, polite, proper, respectful, seemly, thoughtful, tolerant, tractable, well-mannered
  43. Antonyms: bad, misbehaving
  44. Main Entry: good
  45. Part of Speech: adjective
  46. Definition: considerable
  47. Synonyms: adequate, advantageous, ample, big, complete, entire, extensive, full, great, immeasurable, large, long, lucrative, much, paying, profitable, respectable, sizable, solid, substantial, sufficient, whole, worthwhile
  48. Antonyms: inconsequential, inconsiderable
  49. Main Entry: good
  50. Part of Speech: noun
  51. Definition: advantage, benefit
  52. Synonyms: asset, avail, behalf, benediction, blessing, boon*, commonwealth, favor, gain, godsend, good fortune, interest, nugget, plum, prize, profit, prosperity, service, treasure, use, usefulness, welfare, well-being, windfall
  53. Antonyms: disadvantage
  54. Definitions
  55. Word Origin & History
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