Getting In The Right Mindset


DATE: July 29, 2017, 10:30 a.m.

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  1. Getting In The Right Mindset
  2. Another step in the creative visualization procedure is to learn how totrust that you already have your specified outcome in the here and now. This isn't about wishful thinking or betraying yourself. It isabout recognizing the truth behind reality creation and having the sort of faith that's the "evidence of things not seen".
  3. Your Mindset
  4. What is included in believing: To believe something is to sincerely know it. It is to no longer have to think about it. If you trust you have your intent in your here and now you do not have to be in a place of anticipation or wondering where it is as you already have it. Duringyour visualization sessions, trust that you already have what youintend by seeing yourself amply experiencing the choice itself. The words of Jesus perfectly capture the essence of how to believe: "What things so ever you ask for when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you shall have them" (Mark 11:24).
  5. So how to get in the right mindset and believe: Relax utilizing therelaxation techniques below.
  6. Find yourself a quiet place where you know you won't be disturbed for at least one-half hour. Sit straight in a comfy seat with your feet onthe floor, your back supported and your hands resting on in lap. You may choose to lie down if you prefer as long as you are able to keep yourself from falling asleep during the procedure.
  7. Close your eyes and take 3 to 5 deep, abdominal breaths. Breathe in deeply and steadily through your nose letting your stomach rise slightly or push out. This loosens up your diaphragm and helps more air to enter your lungs. Hold your breath momentarily and then breathe out slowly through your mouth, letting your stomach return to its normal position.
  8. To make certain you're using right breathing techniques, place your hand on your tummy and practice this breathing technique. This is the right way to breathe. Train yourself to effortlessly breathe this way correct through your visualization sessions.
  9. Mentally count down slowly from twenty-five to one while you continue to breathe deeply. If you discover that counting backwards doesn't bring you to a relaxed state, try beginning from fifty or as high as needed. In the same way, with practice you might discover that counting back from as little as ten is adequate to accomplish the same state of relaxation.
  10. Next, bring to your mind something which you already possess with out-and-out certainty, be it the roof over your head, your sight, your automobile or even just knowing where your next revenue is going to come from. Note how your body and mind react to having something with such certainty. You're likely to feel no tension, no strain, no worry, no wondering where it is, no desiring - just the serenity and stillness that comes with knowing. Allow yourself to amply experience this state of knowing what it means to have something. Repeat this exercise on a regular basis and soon you'll have learnt how to believe and will be able to re-create and transfer the feeling of trust to those things you intend to experience during your visualization sessions.

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