to them the rich treasures of the -truth.

SUBMITTED BY: james1994

DATE: Sept. 1, 2017, 5:25 p.m.

FORMAT: Text only

SIZE: 6.1 kB

HITS: 12904

  1. Preparation of the Soil
  2. Throughout the parable of the sower, Christ represents the
  3. different results of the sowing as depending upon the soil. In every
  4. case the sower and the seed are the same. Thus He teaches that if the
  5. word of God fails of accomplishing its work in our hearts and lives,
  6. the reason is to be found in ourselves. But the result is not beyond
  7. our control. True, we cannot change ourselves; but the power of
  8. choice is ours, and it rests with us to determine what we will become.
  9. The wayside, the stony-ground, the thorny-ground hearers need not
  10. remain such. The Spirit of God is ever seeking to break the spell of
  11. infatuation that holds men absorbed in worldly things, and to awaken
  12. a desire for the imperishable treasure. It is by resisting the Spirit
  13. that men become inattentive to or neglectful of God’s word. They
  14. are themselves responsible for the hardness of heart that prevents the
  15. good seed from taking root, and for the evil growths that check its
  16. development.
  17. The garden of the heart must be cultivated. The soil must be
  18. broken up by deep repentance for sin. Poisonous, Satanic plants must
  19. be uprooted. The soil once overgrown by thorns can be reclaimed
  20. only by diligent labor. So the evil tendencies of the natural heart can
  21. be overcome only by earnest effort in the name and strength of Jesus.
  22. The Lord bids us by His prophet, “Break up your fallow ground, and
  23. sow not among thorns.” “Sow to yourselves in righteousness; reap
  24. in mercy.” Jeremiah 4:3; Hosea 10:12. This work He desires to
  25. accomplish for us, and He asks us to co-operate with Him.
  26. 56
  27. The sowers of the seed have a work to do in preparing hearts to
  28. receive the gospel. In the ministry of the word there is too much
  29. sermonizing, and too little of real heart-to-heart work. There is need
  30. of personal labor for the souls of the lost. In Christlike sympathy
  31. we should come close to men individually, and seek to awaken their
  32. interest in the great things of eternal life. Their hearts may be as hard
  33. as the beaten highway, and apparently it may be a useless effort to
  34. present the Saviour to them; but while logic may fail to move, and
  35. argument be powerless to convince, the love of Christ, revealed in
  36. personal ministry, may soften the stony heart, so that the seed of truth
  37. can take root.
  38. So the sowers have something to do that the seed may not be
  39. choked with thorns or perish because of shallowness of soil. At the
  40. very outset of the Christian life every
  41. 57
  42. believer should be taught its foundation principles. He should be
  43. taught that he is not merely to be saved by Christ’s sacrifice, but that
  44. he is to make the life of Christ his life and the character of Christ his
  45. character. Let all be taught that they are to bear burdens and to deny
  46. natural inclination. Let them learn the blessedness of working for
  47. Christ, following Him in self-denial, and enduring hardness as good
  48. soldiers. Let them learn to trust His love and to cast on Him their
  49. cares. Let them taste the joy of winning souls for Him. In their love
  50. and interest for the lost, they will lose sight of self. The pleasures of
  51. the world will lose their power to attract and its burdens to dishearten.
  52. The plowshare of truth will do its work. It will break up the fallow
  53. ground. It will not merely cut off the tops of the thorns, but will take
  54. them out by the roots.
  55. In Good Ground
  56. The sower is not always to meet with disappointment. Of the seed
  57. that fell into good ground the Saviour said, This “is he that heareth
  58. the word, and understandeth it; which also beareth fruit, and bringeth
  59. forth, some an hundredfold, some sixty, some thirty.” “That on the
  60. good ground are they, which, in an honest and good heart, having
  61. heard the word, keep it, and bring forth fruit with patience.”
  62. The “honest and good heart” of which the parable speaks, is not a
  63. heart without sin; for the gospel is to be preached to the lost. Christ
  64. said, “I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.”
  65. Mark 2:17. He has an honest heart who yields to the conviction of the
  66. Holy Spirit. He confesses his guilt, and feels his need of the mercy
  67. and love of God. He has a sincere desire to know the truth, that he
  68. may obey it. The good heart is a believing
  69. 58
  70. heart, one that has faith in the word of God. Without faith it is
  71. impossible to receive the word. “He that cometh to God must believe
  72. that He is, and that He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him.”
  73. Hebrews 11:6.
  74. This “is he that heareth the word, and understandeth it.” The
  75. Pharisees of Christ’s day closed their eyes lest they should see, and
  76. their ears lest they should hear; therefore the truth could not reach
  77. their hearts. They were to suffer retribution for their willful ignorance
  78. and self-imposed blindness. But Christ taught His disciples that they
  79. were to open their minds to instruction, and be ready to believe. He
  80. pronounced a blessing upon them because they saw and heard with
  81. eyes and ears that believed.
  82. The good-ground hearer receives the word “not as the word of
  83. men, but as it is in truth, the word of God.” 1 Thessalonians 2:13.
  84. Only he who receives the Scriptures as the voice of God speaking to
  85. himself is a true learner. He trembles at the word; for to him it is a
  86. living reality. He opens his understanding and his heart to receive it.
  87. Such hearers were Cornelius and his friends, who said to the apostle
  88. Peter, “Now therefore are we all here present before God, to hear all
  89. things that are commanded thee of God.” Acts 10:33.
  90. A knowledge of the truth depends not so much upon strength of
  91. intellect as upon pureness of purpose, the simplicity of an earnest,
  92. dependent faith. To those who in humility of heart seek for divine
  93. guidance, angels of God draw near. The Holy Spirit is given to open
  94. to them the rich treasures of the truth.
  96. The good-ground hearers, having heard the word, keep it. Satan
  97. with all his agencies of evil is not able to catch it away.
  98. Merely to hear or to read the word is not enough. He who desires
  99. to be profited by the Scriptures must meditate

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