in his sight; for by the law is the

SUBMITTED BY: adventistadareforma

DATE: Sept. 4, 2017, 12:20 p.m.

FORMAT: Text only

SIZE: 3.3 kB

HITS: 5331

  1. than one tittle of the law to fail." Luke16:17. Then it is easier for heaven and earth
  2. to pass than for one of the commandments of God. How hard then must it be for
  3. every precept of the law of God to be abolished and a new law of God enacted to
  4. take its place. Easier could heaven and earth be destroyed and new heavens
  5. and a new earth be created! Should God abolish his great constitution and
  6. establish another in its stead, that event would not only be marked as distinctly
  7. as the establishment of the original constitution by himself at Sinai, in person, but
  8. it would present even a more extraordinary spectacle than for heaven and earth
  9. to flee from the presence of him that sits upon the throne!
  10. It is an important fact that our Lord in presenting portions of the law of God,
  11. always brought them forward as such; that is, he appealed to the law of his
  12. Father, as a living authority, and quoted from it, not as giving authority to what he
  13. quoted, but presenting those quotations as the authority for his statements. This
  14. fact evinces that Christ was not engaged in re-enacting a part of his Father's law,
  15. as some are ready to affirm. Our Lord did not act in the capacity of legislator with
  16. his Father's law. He was its expositor; and as such he laid open its length and
  17. breadth and spirituality. Even the golden rule, "Whatsoever ye would that men
  18. should do to you, do ye even so to them," our Saviour bases
  19. 18
  20. on the fact that this was the law and the prophets. Matt.7:12. So that this most
  21. admirable saying was not given to take the place of the law of God and the
  22. prophets, but as a precious truth resting on their authority.
  23. The scriptures which we have quoted must suffice to show the nature of
  24. Christ's teachings respecting the law of God. It shows that by his teaching he did
  25. not abolish the commandments of God. It also evinces that Christ not only taught
  26. that it was easier for heaven and earth to pass than for one tittle of the law to fail,
  27. but that he also taught, until heaven and earth pass a single tittle shall not pass
  28. from the law of God; and that whosoever would enter into everlasting life must
  29. keep the commandments of God, even the least of them. We will now consider
  30. the second question.
  31. 2. Was the law of God abolished by the death of Christ?
  32. That we may answer this question in a proper manner, let us carefully
  33. consider Rom.3. We will first examine that portion of the chapter which presents
  34. the human family as condemned by the law of God and speechless in his sight.
  35. "Now we know that what things so ever the law saith, it saith to them who are
  36. under the law: that every mouth may be stopped, and all the world may become
  37. guilty before God. Therefore by the deeds
  38. 19
  40. of the law, there shall no flesh be justified in his sight; for by the law is the
  41. knowledge of sin. Rom.3:19,20.
  42. This portion of scripture presents in a striking light the state of mankind
  43. without a Saviour. The Apostle had been presenting in the previous verses
  44. numerous quotations from the Old Testament, showing the fearful state of fallen
  45. man. The verses which we have quoted, present us with the holy standard of
  46. rectitude by which the unrighteousness of men is made manifest, and their fearful

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