How to ask for bitcoin donations??

SUBMITTED BY: illusiveman

DATE: Aug. 6, 2016, 3:31 p.m.

FORMAT: Text only

SIZE: 1.4 kB

HITS: 628

  1. If you run a blog or a popular social media like facebook page, twitter page or a squidoo lens or a youtube channel, you can request for some tip or a donation . This might be a bit complex for you to understand but let me put it in a simpler way, It works in the same way as when you visit a nice restaurant. If you’ve had the same waiter or a waitress throughout your meal and they’ve given you excellent service, there are high chances that you leave a tip for them.
  2. How to ask for tip in bitcoin ?
  3. Change tip is a popular bitcoin tipping web site which offers free bitcoin tipping API that you can integrate to your web site and ask for donation or tips. Changetip creates a completely new and engaging way for you to interact with your viewers through social payments. Your visitor don’t have to tip you in 100 bucks or 50-60 $, they can tip you in 10 cents or 20 cents. This is called micropayments. You might be wondering what would you do for 10 cents which is a obvious question. But if you have good enough number of viewership or traffic then all of this could add up and contribute to your current revenue stream. All you need to do is place a button some where right next to your content or somewhere inside your content navigation. Just head over to and sign up and you will presented with a simple tutorial to place a tip button on your web site or a blog.

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