Republicans In California and the Latino Vote Considered


DATE: June 17, 2016, 10:19 p.m.

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  1. Some point out that the Mexican American or Latino American voters will win the Democrats the White House. I wonder crowd true. First, the Latino culture is among a long culture is dominated by males. Men whorrrre in-charge of these families like strong men, not weak ones - Trump could possibly be considered an Alpha Male in every regards. Hilary Clinton can be a white woman, not just a Latino woman. Not sure if her woman status qualifies her as a gift, it could even hurt her with this voting block just a little.
  2. Next, most Latinos are Catholics and Hillary Clinton can be a "progressive" - well, actually she is really a European Socialist, but claims "progressive" title. Socialism isn't actually all that progressive, it's mostly regressive, when we watch nations like Greece, Spain, Portugal, Argentina, Venezuela belong to severe economic strife for his or her previous socialist policies.
  3. Still, while using media telling everyone that Hillary is likely to get the Hispanic Vote absolutely, you have to wonder if your Republicans also have a chance. The New York Times had an intriguing political hit piece on Republicans recently following California 2016 primary; "Just How Bad an Election Night Was It for California Republicans?" by Adam Nagourney and Jenifer Medina published on June 8, 2016. The article stated:
  4. "The primary Tuesday in California handed victories to Donald J. Trump for the Republican side and Hillary Clinton within the Democratic side. But it seemed to be a reminder of the bad shape the state's Republican Party is. No Republican drew enough votes to qualify for the runoff to have an open United States Senate seat this fall; the contest will feature only Democratic candidates."
  5. The issue with Republicans and Latino Voters in CA is not hard. The Democrats keep promising them stuff along with the Latino Voters keep taking them high on it. Even should the Dems cannot deliver, the promises sound nice. This is very just like the political rhetoric in Mexico, and people former Mexican citizens, now American Citizens have observed enough of that to appreciate they are being lied to. Republicans just won't lie to the Latino Voters. Who loses, not the Republicans, actually the Latino Voters lose because they can be being played - as being the Dems make an effort to buy votes with money that's not theirs.
  6. Many on the Hispanic Voters who will be friends of mine, well, they let me know they don't like Hillary, they do not trust her, and these are voting for Donald Trump - and mind you, I am out through California. I wonder if Hillary can pull with Hispanic Voters in other parts from the country?

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