How to Earn Bitcoins by doing micro jobs 100% legitimate with proof

SUBMITTED BY: illusiveman

DATE: Aug. 16, 2016, 2:50 p.m.

FORMAT: Text only

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HITS: 850

  1. There are web sites like and where people earn dollars for doing different kinds of work like graphic design, web design , web development etc etc. There is an entire galaxy of jobs available for people we are willing work and need freelancers for their projects. Just like you can earn real dollars for working as a freelancer in the same way you can also earn bitcoins instead of dollars for the same work. But this is what I would like to you to concentrate at the moment, I am just talking about small tasks or micro tasks. The most common micro task you can get is to simply visit a web site. Sounds cool isn’t it? you will get bitcoin just for clicking a link and visiting a web site. This is purely done in order to get traffic to a specific web site. The most important thing you should keep in mind while doing such task is that you’ll have to visit the web site for certain amount of time. It’s not that you just click a link and close it after one or two seconds, you won’t earn bitcoin for that. The amount of time you should stay on the web site is clearly shown on your browser for example you might see a timer ticking on the top or somewhere on you screen.
  2. So always remember you the site by following the time limit they have given to to you. Another popular micro task in order to earn bitcoins is to answer surveys. A company would want to get a number of results to a specific set of questions. They may need this data for their business development or to even sell the results or perhaps even to publish the results on their web site or any third party publication. But keep in mind that some survey have known to ask ridiculous amount of questions. May be hundreds of them but this is very rare occurrence. Such web site also have a huge amount of payouts according to the number of questions you answer. But you will find most sites have only manageable amount of surveys that you should fill up. There are also web sites that pay you bitcoins for claiming offers which is fantastic isn’t it? There offers will be predominantly be online offers but you may find some really good ones that do interest you and of course you get bitcoins for redeeming them so it’s a win win situation for you. Then the last but not the one is to earn bitcoins for installing an app or a software. PPI (Pay Per Install ) is what i would like to call them. This is done by a company in order to promote or market the software that they have developed which comes in a trial version or beta version. So if are you ready to make some bitcoins by doing some micro tasks then here are some links that you should check out right away.

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