Earn money without leaving home!


DATE: Nov. 29, 2014, 1:36 p.m.

FORMAT: Text only

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HITS: 1278

  1. Tsu - what is it?
  2. TSU is a new social networking site. Whatever you do to the TSU for this activity can be remunerated. TSU rents advertising space just like Facebook, but instead of stopping takings for itself, decided to share it with their users at a 90/10, that is 90% of advertising revenue goes to the users and 10% is in the company.
  3. What is the distribution of profits in TSU?
  4. Each ad generates profit. The division of this profit is as follows:
  5. 50% of the profits from the ads on the social networking site TSU goes to the creator of the popular post.
  6. 1/3 of the profit from the same ad goes to the person who invited the creator of the popular post.
  7. 1/3 from 1/3 goes to the person who invited a friend who invited the creator of the popular post
  8. What do I need to do to make money?
  9. Basically, the answer is simple. Do exactly what you are doing on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter. Publish post, add the picture, let yourself be seen and liked. Remember, behave naturally, do not spam your friends, and the money will follow!
  10. If you want to make money on Tsu, join us by clicking on the link below.
  11. https://www.tsu.co/natalcia0013

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