Essential Elements of Character

SUBMITTED BY: shopnuvem

DATE: July 13, 2017, 7:01 p.m.

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  1. The cause of God demands the highest powers of the being,
  2. and there is urgent need in many fields for young men of literary
  3. qualifications. There is need of men who can be trusted to labor in
  4. extensive fields that are now white to the harvest. Young men of
  5. ordinary ability, who give themselves wholly to God, who are uncorrupted
  6. by vice and impurity, will be successful, and will be enabled
  7. to do a great work for God. Let young men heed the admonition,
  8. and be sober-minded.
  9. How many youth have wasted their God-given strength in folly
  10. and dissipation! How many painful histories rise before me of youth
  11. who have become mere wrecks of humanity, mentally, morally,
  12. physically, because of indulgence in vicious habits! Their constitutions
  13. are ruined, their life usefulness greatly impaired, because of
  14. indulgence in unlawful pleasures.
  15. I entreat of you, careless, reckless youth of today, be converted,
  16. and become laborers together with God. Let it be the study of your [23]
  17. life to bless and save others. If you seek help from God, His power
  18. working in you will bring to naught all opposing powers, and you
  19. will become sanctified through the truth. Sin is alarmingly prevalent
  20. among the youth of today, but let it be your purpose to do what you
  21. can to rescue souls from the power of Satan.
  22. Be Light Bearers
  23. Carry light wherever you go; show that you have strength of
  24. purpose, that you are not a person of indecision, easily swayed by
  25. the persuasions of evil associates. Do not yield a ready assent to the
  26. suggestions of those who dishonor God, but rather seek to reform,
  27. reclaim, and rescue souls from evil.
  28. Resort to prayer, persuade in meekness and lowliness of spirit
  29. those who oppose themselves. One soul saved from error, and
  30. brought under the banner of Christ, will cause joy in heaven, and
  31. place a star in your crown of rejoicing. A soul saved will, through
  32. his godly influence, bring other souls to a knowledge of salvation,
  33. and thus the work will multiply, and only the revealings of the day
  34. of judgment will make manifest the extent of the work.
  35. Do not hesitate to work for the Lord because you think you can
  36. do but little. Do your little with fidelity; for God will work with your
  37. 26 Messages to Young People
  38. efforts. He will write your name in the book of life as one worthy to
  39. enter into the joy of the Lord. Let us earnestly entreat the Lord that
  40. laborers may be raised up, for the fields are white to the harvest; the
  41. [24] harvest is great, and the laborers are few....
  42. Cherished Broad Ideas
  43. Young men should have broad ideas, wise plans, that they may
  44. make the most of their opportunities, catch the inspiration and
  45. courage that animated the apostles. John says, “I have written unto
  46. you, young men, because ye are strong, and the word of God abideth
  47. in you, and ye have overcome the wicked one.” An elevated standard
  48. is presented before the youth, and God is inviting them to come into
  49. real service for Him. True-hearted young men who delight to be
  50. learners in the school of Christ, can do a great work for the Master, if
  51. they will only give heed to the command of the Captain as it sounds
  52. down along the lines to our time, “Quit you like men, be strong.”
  53. You are to be men who will walk humbly with God, who will
  54. stand before Him in your God-given manhood, free from impurity,
  55. free from all contamination from the sensuality that is corrupting this
  56. age. You must be men who will despise all falsity and wickedness,
  57. who will dare to be true and brave, holding aloft the blood-stained
  58. banner of Prince Emmanuel. Your talents will increase as you use
  59. them for the Master, and they will be esteemed precious by Him
  60. who has bought them with an infinite price. Do not sit down and
  61. neglect to do anything, simply because you cannot do some great
  62. thing, but do whatever your hands find to do, with thoroughness and
  63. energy.... .
  64. The Call to Enlist
  65. Christ is calling for volunteers to enlist under His standard, and
  66. [25] bear the banner of the cross before the world. The church is languishing
  67. for the help of young men who will bear a courageous testimony,
  68. who will with their ardent zeal stir up the sluggish energies of God’s
  69. people, and so increase the power of the church in the world. Young
  70. men are wanted who will resist the tide of worldliness, and lift a
  71. Call to the Youth 27
  72. voice of warning against taking the first steps in immorality and
  73. vice.
  74. But first the young men who would serve God, and give themselves
  75. to His work, must cleanse the soul temple of all impurity,
  76. and enthrone Christ in the heart; then they will be enabled to put
  77. energy into their Christian effort, and will manifest enthusiastic zeal
  78. in persuading men to be reconciled to Christ. Will not our young
  79. men respond to the invitation of Christ, and answer, “Here am I;
  80. send me”? Young men, press to the front, and identify yourselves as
  81. laborers together with Christ, taking up the work where He left it,
  82. to carry it on to its completion.—The Review and Herald, June 16,
  83. 1891.
  84. Essential Elements of Character

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