is strengthened and made perfect by works only.

SUBMITTED BY: paivashop

DATE: Sept. 24, 2017, 7:33 p.m.

FORMAT: Text only

SIZE: 7.2 kB

HITS: 6820

  1. ith them. Some have urged that this vision was to signify that
  2. God had removed His prohibition from the use of the flesh of animals
  3. which he had formerly pronounced unclean; and that therefore swines’
  4. flesh was fit for food. This is a very narrow and altogether erroneous
  5. interpretation, and is plainly contradicted in the Scriptural account of the
  6. vision and its consequences.
  7. The vision of all manner of live beasts, which the sheet contained,
  8. and of which Peter was commanded to kill and eat, being assured that
  9. what God had cleansed should not be called common or unclean by him,
  10. was simply an illustration presenting to his mind the true position of the
  11. Gentiles; that by the death of Christ they were made fellow heirs with the
  12. Israel of God. It conveyed to Peter both reproof and instruction. His labors
  13. had heretofore been confined entirely to the Jews; and he had looked upon
  14. the Gentiles as an unclean race, and excluded from the promises of
  15. 285
  16. God. His mind was now being led to comprehend the world-wide extent
  17. of the plan of God.
  18. Even while he pondered over the vision, it was explained to him.
  19. “Now while Peter doubted in himself what this vision which he had seen
  20. should mean, behold, the men which were sent from Cornelius had made
  21. enquiry for Simon’s house, and stood before the gate, and called, and
  22. asked whether Simon, which was surnamed Peter, were lodged there.
  23. While Peter thought on the vision, the Spirit said unto him, Behold, three
  24. men seek thee. Arise, therefore, and get thee down, and go with them,
  25. doubting nothing: for I have sent them.”
  26. It was a trying command to Peter; but he dared not act according to
  27. his own feelings, and therefore went down from his chamber and received
  28. the messengers sent to him from Cornelius. They communicated their
  29. singular errand to the apostle, and, according to the direction he had just
  30. received from God, he at once agreed to accompany them on the morrow.
  31. He courteously entertained them that night, and in the morning set out
  32. with them for Caesarea, accompanied by six of his brethren, who were to
  33. be witnesses of all he should say or do while visiting the Gentiles; for he
  34. knew that he should be called to account for so direct an opposition to the
  35. Jewish faith and teachings.
  36. It was nearly two days before the journey was ended and Cornelius
  37. had the glad privilege of opening his doors to a gospel minister, who,
  38. according to the assurance of God, should teach him and his house
  39. how they might be saved. While the messengers were on their errand,
  40. the centurion had gathered together as many of his relatives as were
  41. accessible, that they, as well as he, might be instructed in the truth. When
  42. 286
  43. Peter arrived, a large company were gathered, eagerly waiting to listen to
  44. his words.
  45. The Visit to Cornelius
  46. As Peter entered the house of the Gentile, Cornelius did not salute
  47. him as an ordinary visitor, but as one honored of Heaven, and sent to him
  48. by God. It is an Eastern custom to bow before a prince or other high
  49. dignitary, and for children to bow before their parents who are honored
  50. with positions of trust. But Cornelius, overwhelmed with reverence for
  51. the apostle who had been delegated by God, fell at his feet and worshiped
  52. him.
  53. Peter shrank with horror from this act of the centurion, and lifted
  54. him to his feet, saying, “Stand up; I myself also am a man.” He then
  55. commenced to converse with him familiarly, in order to remove the sense
  56. of awe and extreme reverence with which the centurion regarded him.
  57. Had Peter been invested with the authority and position accorded to
  58. him by the Roman Catholic Church, he would have encouraged, rather
  59. than have checked, the veneration of Cornelius. The so-called successors
  60. of Peter require kings and emperors to bow at their feet, but Peter himself
  61. claimed to be only an erring and fallible man.
  62. Peter spoke with Cornelius and those assembled in his house,
  63. concerning the custom of the Jews; that it was considered unlawful
  64. for them to mingle socially with Gentiles, and involved ceremonial
  65. defilement. It was not prohibited by the law of God, but the tradition
  66. of men had made it a binding custom. Said he, “Ye know how that it is an
  67. unlawful thing for a man that is a Jew to keep company, or come unto one
  68. of another nation; but God hath shewed me that I
  69. 287
  70. should not call any man common or unclean. Therefore came I unto you
  71. without gainsaying, as soon as I was sent for: I ask therefore for what
  72. intent ye have sent for me.”
  73. Cornelius thereupon related his experience, and the words of the angel
  74. that had appeared to him in vision. In conclusion he said, “Immediately
  75. therefore I sent to thee; and thou hast well done that thou art come. Now
  76. therefore are we all here present before God, to hear all things that are
  77. commanded thee of God. Then Peter opened his mouth, and said, Of a
  78. truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons: but in every nation
  79. he that feareth Him, and worketh righteousness, is accepted with Him.”
  80. Although God had favored the Jews above all other nations, yet if they
  81. rejected light and did not live up to their profession, they were no more
  82. exalted in His esteem than other nations. Those among the Gentiles who,
  83. like Cornelius, feared God, and worked righteousness, living up to what
  84. light they had, were kindly regarded by God, and their sincere service was
  85. accepted.
  86. But the faith and righteousness of Cornelius could not be perfect
  87. without a knowledge of Christ; therefore God sent that light and
  88. knowledge to him for the further development of his righteous character.
  89. Many refuse to receive the light which the providence of God sends them,
  90. and, as an excuse for so doing, quote the words of Peter to Cornelius
  91. and his friends: “But in every nation he that feareth Him, and worketh
  92. righteousness, is accepted with Him.” They maintain that it is of no
  93. consequence what men believe, so long as their works are good. Such
  94. ones are wrong; faith must unite with their works. They should advance
  95. with the light that is given them. If God brings them in connection with
  96. His servants who have received new
  97. 288
  98. truth, substantiated by the Word of God, they should accept it with joy.
  99. Truth is onward. Truth is upward. On the other hand, those who claim
  100. that their faith alone will save them are trusting to a rope of sand, for faith
  101. is strengthened and made perfect by works only.
  102. The Gentiles Receive the Holy Spirit
  103. Peter preached Jesus to that company of attentive hearers; His life,
  104. ministry, miracles, betrayal, crucifixion, resurrection, and ascension, and
  105. His work in heaven, as man’s Representative and Advocate, to plead in
  106. the sinner’s behalf. As the apostle spoke, his heart glowed with the Spirit
  108. of God’s truth which he was presenting to the people. His hearers were
  109. charmed by the doctrine they heard, for their hearts had been prepared
  110. to receive the truth. The apostle was interrupted by the descent of the
  111. Holy Ghost, as was manifested on the day of Pentecost. “And they of
  112. the circumcision which believed were astonished, as many as came with
  113. Peter, because that on the Gentiles also was pou

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