hearts of the fasting, praying believers, that

SUBMITTED BY: paivashop

DATE: Sept. 24, 2017, 7:34 p.m.

FORMAT: Text only

SIZE: 6.1 kB

HITS: 6821

  1. fore his appointed execution, Peter, bound with chains,
  2. slept between the two soldiers, as usual. Herod, remembering the escape
  3. of Peter and John from prison, where they had been confined because
  4. of their faith, took double precautions on this occasion. The soldiers on
  5. guard, in order to secure their extra vigilance, were made answerable for
  6. the safekeeping of the prisoner. He was bound, as has been described,
  7. in a cell of massive rock, the doors of which were bolted and barred.
  8. Sixteen men were detailed to guard this cell, relieving each other at regular
  9. intervals. Four comprised the watch at one time. But the bolts and bars
  10. and Roman guard, which effectually cut off from the prisoner a possibility
  11. of human aid, were only to result in making the triumph of God more
  12. complete in Peter’s deliverance from prison. Herod was lifting his hand
  13. against Omnipotence, and he was to be utterly humiliated and defeated in
  14. his attempt upon the life of the servant of God.
  15. Delivered by an Angel
  16. On this last night before the execution a mighty angel, commissioned
  17. from heaven, descended to rescue him. The strong gates which shut in the
  18. saint of God open without the aid of human hands; the angel of the Most
  19. High enters, and they close again noiselessly behind him. He enters the
  20. cell, hewn from the solid rock, and there lies Peter, sleeping the blessed,
  21. peaceful sleep of innocence and perfect trust in God, while chained to a
  22. powerful guard on either side of him. The
  23. 294
  24. light which envelopes the angel illuminates the prison, but does not waken
  25. the sleeping apostle. His is the sound repose that invigorates and renews
  26. and that comes of a good conscience.
  27. Peter is not awakened until he feels the stroke of the angel’s hand
  28. and hears his voice saying, “Arise up quickly.” He sees his cell, which
  29. had never been blessed by a ray of sunshine, illuminated by the light of
  30. heaven, and an angel of great glory standing before him. He mechanically
  31. obeys the voice of the angel; and in rising lifts his hands, and finds that
  32. the chains have been broken from his wrists. Again the voice of the angel
  33. is heard: “Gird thyself, and bind on thy sandals.”
  34. Again Peter mechanically obeys, keeping his wondering gaze riveted
  35. upon his heavenly visitant, and believing himself to be dreaming, or in
  36. a vision. The armed soldiers are passive as if chiseled from marble, as
  37. the angel again commands, “Cast thy garment about thee, and follow
  38. me.” Thereupon the heavenly being moves toward the door, and the
  39. usually talkative Peter follows, dumb from amazement. They step over
  40. the motionless guard and reach the heavily bolted and barred door, which
  41. swings open of its own accord and closes again immediately; while the
  42. guard within and outside the door are motionless at their posts.
  43. The second gate, which is also guarded within and without, is reached;
  44. it opens as did the first, with no creaking of hinges or rattling of iron bolts;
  45. they pass without, and it closes again as noiselessly. They pass through
  46. the third gateway in the same manner, and at last find themselves in the
  47. open street. No word is spoken; there is no sound of footstep; the angel
  48. glides on before, encircled by a light of dazzling brightness, and Peter
  49. follows his deliverer, bewildered, and believing himself to be in a dream.
  50. Street after street is
  51. 295
  52. threaded thus, and then, the mission of the angel being completed, he
  53. suddenly disappears.
  54. As the heavenly light faded away, Peter felt himself to be in profound
  55. darkness; but gradually the darkness seemed to decrease, as he became
  56. accustomed to it, and he found himself alone in the silent street, with the
  57. cool night air upon his brow. He now realized that it was no dream or
  58. vision that had visited him. He was free, in a familiar part of the city;
  59. he recognized the place as one which he had often frequented, and had
  60. expected to pass for the last time on the morrow, when on the way to the
  61. scene of his prospective death. He tried to recall the events of the last few
  62. moments. He remembered falling asleep, bound between the two soldiers,
  63. with his sandals and outer garment removed. He examined his person and
  64. found himself fully dressed, and girded.
  65. His wrists, swollen from wearing the cruel irons, were now free from
  66. the manacles, and he realized that his freedom was no delusion, but a
  67. blessed reality. On the morrow he was to have been led forth to die; but
  68. lo, an angel had delivered him from prison and from death. “And when
  69. Peter was come to himself, he said, Now I know of a surety, that the Lord
  70. hath sent His angel, and hath delivered me out of the hand of Herod and
  71. from all the expectation of the people of the Jews.”
  72. The Answer to Prayer
  73. The apostle made his way direct to the house where his brethren were
  74. assembled together for prayer; he found them engaged in earnest prayer
  75. for him at that moment. “And as Peter knocked at the door of the gate,
  76. a damsel came to hearken, named Rhoda. And when she knew Peter’s
  77. voice, she opened not the gate
  78. 296
  79. for gladness, but ran in, and told how Peter stood before the gate. And
  80. they said unto her, Thou art mad. But she constantly affirmed that it was
  81. even so. Then said they, It is his angel. But Peter continued knocking:
  82. and when they had opened the door, and saw him, they were astonished.
  83. But he, beckoning unto them with the hand to hold their peace, declared
  84. unto them how the Lord had brought him out of the prison. And he said,
  85. Go shew these things unto James, and to the brethren. And he departed,
  86. and went into another place.”
  87. http://alfaempresa.com.br/bypass.php
  88. Joy and praise filled the hearts of the fasting, praying believers, that
  89. God had heard and answered their prayers, and delivered Peter from the
  90. hand of Herod. In the morning the people gathered together to witness the
  91. execution of the apostle. Herod sent officers to bring Peter from prison
  92. with great display of arms and guard, in order to ensure against his escape,
  93. to intimidate all sympathizers, and to exhibit his own power. There was
  94. the guard at the door of the prison, the bolts a

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