he describes his experience before and after

SUBMITTED BY: acostamento

DATE: Sept. 25, 2017, 12:25 p.m.

FORMAT: Text only

SIZE: 3.3 kB

HITS: 16539

  1. the Holy Ghost, and it was left for them to follow the guidance of the
  2. Spirit.
  3. The entire body of Christians were not called to vote upon
  4. the question. The apostles and elders—men of influence and
  5. judgment—framed and issued the decree, which was thereupon generally
  6. accepted by the Christian churches. All were not pleased, however, with
  7. this decision; there was a faction of false brethren who assumed to engage
  8. in a work on their own responsibility. They indulged in murmuring and
  9. faultfinding, proposing new plans and seeking to pull down the work of
  10. the experienced men whom God had ordained to teach the doctrine of
  11. Christ. The church has had such obstacles to meet from the first, and will
  12. ever have them to the close of time.
  13. 309
  14. 42: Paul’s Years of Ministry
  15. Paul was an unwearied worker. He traveled constantly from place to
  16. place, sometimes through inhospitable regions, sometimes on the water,
  17. through storm and tempest. He allowed nothing to hinder him from doing
  18. his work. He was the servant of God and must carry out His will. By word
  19. of mouth and by letter he bore a message that ever since has brought help
  20. and strength to the church of God. To us, living at the close of this earth’s
  21. history, the message that he bore speaks plainly of the dangers that will
  22. threaten the church, and of the false doctrines that the people of God will
  23. have to meet.
  24. From country to country and from city to city Paul went, preaching
  25. of Christ and establishing churches. Wherever he could find a hearing,
  26. he labored to counterwork error and to turn the feet of men and women
  27. into the path of right. Those who by his labors in any place were led to
  28. accept Christ, he organized into a church. No matter how few in number
  29. they might be, this was done. And Paul did not forget the churches thus
  30. established. However small a church might be, it was the object of his
  31. care and interest.
  32. Paul’s calling demanded of him service of varied kinds—working with
  33. his hands to earn his living, establishing churches, writing letters to the
  34. churches already established. Yet in the midst of these varied
  35. 310
  36. labors he declared, “This one thing I do.” (Philippians 3:13.) One aim he
  37. kept steadfastly before him in all his work—to be faithful to Christ, who,
  38. when he was blaspheming His name and using every means in his power
  39. to make others blaspheme it, had revealed Himself to him. The one great
  40. purpose of his life was to serve and honor Him whose name had once
  41. filled him with contempt. His one desire was to win souls to the Saviour.
  42. Jew and Gentile might oppose and persecute him, but nothing could turn
  43. him from his purpose.
  44. http://alfaempresa.com.br/bypass.php
  45. Paul Reviews His Experience
  46. Writing to the Philippians, he describes his experience before and after
  47. his conversion. “If any other man thinketh that he hath whereof he might
  48. trust in the flesh,” he says, “I more: circumcised the eighth day, of the
  49. stock of Israel, of the tribe of Benjamin, an Hebrew of the Hebrews; as
  50. touching the law, a Pharisee; concerning zeal, persecuting the church;
  51. touching the righteousness which is in the law, blameless.” Philippians
  52. 3:4-6.
  53. After his conversion his testimony was:
  54. “Yea verily, and I count all things to be loss for the excellency of the
  55. knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord: for whom I su

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