Chopcoin Guide: Strategy & BTCs


DATE: Nov. 20, 2015, 9:44 p.m.

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  1. CHOPCOIN GUIDE: Strategy & Bitcoins Online Multiplayer Game
  2. /////// INTRO
  3. Chopcoin web:
  5. Chopcoin is the hottest new gambling game to hit Bitcoin world. There’s a reason it’s gotten 1000 registrations in the week since it launched – it’s fun & addictive! Like all good “casual” games, it’s easy to learn but hard to master.
  6. This skill-based multiplayer action game rewards strategy and quick reflexes. It features just enough unpredictable chaos to keep the gameplay exciting – especially when money’s on the line!
  7. Profit from those Bitcoin bubbles!
  8. Beginners can play for free in the Faucet arena and win 5000 Satoshi for placing 1st, 3000 for 2nd, 1000 for 3rd and 500 for 4th and 5th. Place lower than 5th and you earn zip. Not that it matters; this mode is for fun, practice and learning the game.
  9. If you want to play for more than dust, there are 3 increasingly high stakes playgrounds: Low Roller, Main and High Roller. These arenas require buy-in but offer much higher rewards for victory. If you survive the round, you get your points back in Bitcoin.
  10. Claiming 1st place nets you the lion’s share of the pot… but do you have what it takes to master the Bitcoin bubbles?
  11. Practice hard and follow our Chopcoin guide if you want to win big!
  12. /////// BASIC PLAY
  13. (If you’re familiar with this game or, you can skip straight to our Chopcoin guide… otherwise read on)
  14. You begin as a tiny bubble which chases the mouse cursor. The further the cursor, the faster you’ll move. Reaching the mouse cursor will cause you to stop.
  15. Your objective is to grow big. The bigger your size, the higher your score and the more Satoshi you’re worth!
  16. (size = score = satoshi = MASS)
  17. Like the classic game Snake, you collide with objects to eat them. This makes you grow. You can eat pellets and smaller player bubbles.
  18. •pellets are worth 1 point and spawn randomly over the (bounded) rectangular arena.
  19. •players are worth as much as they’ve eaten… and cannablisim is the key to victory!
  20. You can only eat players smaller than you. If they’re bigger, watch out as they can eat you! If all your bubbles get eaten in buy-in mode, you’ll have to pay to re-enter the game.
  21. At the end of each 10 minute round, the biggest players win.
  22. /////// MINES
  23. It’s not only bigger players you have to watch out for… but also mines, aka bombs.
  24. If you hit a mine that’s bigger than you, you’ll lose some mass and be forcibly split into your component bubbles.
  25. If you’re smaller than a mine, you can move right through it… You can use this to hide from bigger players inside a mine!
  27. Once you reach 37 points, you can press space to split into 2 bubbles (of 16 points / Satoshi each)… When you reach 64 points, you can divide again into 4 bubbles… and so on, mitosis-like.
  28. But why get smaller if it makes you more vulnerable to being a bigger player’s snack.
  29. Because the smaller your bubble(s) the faster you move! Speed allows you to eat pellets quicker as well as catch other players.
  30. Also, when you divide your new bubbles will launch towards the cursor. Use this speed boost (wisely) to escape a bigger player or attack a smaller player.
  31. Each of your split-off bubbles moves at a speed relative to its size. It will also eat other players or be eaten according to its size.
  32. After about 30 seconds, you can reform into larger, slower bubbles and eventually back to a single bubble by “eating yourself.” Try to keep count of the seconds in your head.
  33. /////// ADVANCED PLAY
  34. Press W to eject 10 points of your mass in pellet form, towards the cursor. You can spam this move until your points reach a minimum.
  35. Ejecting has several purposes:
  36. •if divided, it can help you to reform into a larger bubble.
  37. •if fleeing from a threatening player, splitting can make you vulnerable – especially if a third player is nearby. Eject instead to temporarily increase your speed and gain some distance. Try to reabsorb your ejected pellets if it’s safe.
  38. •Eject repeatedly into a mine to cause it to “explode” in the direction of your fire. Use this technique against other players! Practice it well as it’s really tricky to get right!
  39. If you haven’t yet done so, play a few rounds of Chopcoin!
  41. You’ll need to register but they only require your email. Don’t use a fake one or you won’t be able to claim your winnings.
  42. OK, we’ve covered the gameplay mechanics and you’ve tried Chopcoin… Now it’s time for
  44. Although Chopcoin appears simplistic at first, it contains surprising strategic depth.
  45. Victory in Chopcoin depends on managing 5 factors:
  46. 1.Size – the bigger you are, the easier you’ll absorb other players. You need to be about 10% bigger to eat a smaller player and even then, you’ll need to get right on top of them. That’s hard to achieve, as they’ll be faster (but see point 9. below) … Large bubbles also exert a proportionally-strong gravitational pull on nearby pellets.
  47. 2.Speed – as stated before, the smaller your bubble(s), the faster you move.
  48. 3.Visibility – how much of the arena you can see. The larger and more unified your bubbles, the less you can see. Sometimes it’s worth dividing if only to increase your situational awareness.
  49. 4.Positioning – although temptingly rich pellet fields can accumulate along the sides of the arena and in its corners, you don’t want to get trapped in such a danger place.
  50. 5.Trickiness – experience will teach you how to lure other players into traps, blast them with mines and out-maneuvre them.
  51. /////// 10 STEP CHOPCOIN GUIDE
  52. This guide will be kept updated as strategies and counter-strategies develop over time among the playbase.
  54. To ensure optimal play, here are a few system-level tips:
  55. •Whatever browser you use, press F11 to put it into full screen mode. This gives you maximum Visibility.
  56. •As soon as you spawn, roll down your mousewheel to zoom out as far possible. Again, this improves Visibility.
  57. •If Chopcoin appears jerky or laggy, close other browser windows, especially those intensive JavaScripts. If the game is still performing poorly, close any resource-intensive background applications, such as virus scanners and try disabling browser plugins.
  58. •If your system is slow, disabling show skins and show mass (but see 2. below) may improve performance.
  59. •If you still experience high ping rates, it’s probably your internet connection. Laptops connecting via wi-fi are more likely to experience such issues.
  61. On the Chopcoin Play tab, tick the following boxes:
  62. √ Show names – this allows you to size up on-screen opponents with reference to the Leaderboard. Valuable information! Without this option, you may head towards a small, seemingly isolated bubble without realising it’s only an isolated split of the biggest player!
  63. Optional cheesy tactic: leave your name blank so it appears as “an unnamed player” – if other players do likewise, your opponents will be at a slight informational disadvantage.
  64. √ Show mass – this is helpful for comparing your mass to opponents and letting you know when you’re ready to split:
  65. •1st split is at 37 points
  66. •2nd split is at 64 points
  67. •3rd split is around 100 points
  68. After a certain size, you won’t be able to view the exact mass of your divided bubbles. You’ll have to rely on instinct then (or just spam space).
  69. √ Dark background – ticking this lets you see exactly where the edges of the arena are. Otherwise you have a white arena on a white background, which makes it a lot easier to get stuck in a corner or along a border.
  70. 3. FORMATION
  71. •In the early game, focus on absorbing pellets as quickly as possible. Plot as straight a course as possible through the richest pellet routes. Don’t worry about other players until you or they reach splitting size. At the speed players travel in the early game, collision is highly unlikely.
  72. •Unless other players are nearby, split as soon as you reach 37 points. This will keep your speed up so you can keep vacuuming pellets as quickly as possible. If the coast is clear, split again at 64 points.
  73. •When you encounter a smaller player, or any number of fighting players, merge if necessary (see point 7) and trail them at a safe distance. Often a fight will get chaotic, leaving weakened opponents ripe for absorbtion into your ever-growing Satoshi blob.
  74. “March divided and fight concentrated” – military maxim
  75. 4. ATTACK
  76. •Always weigh risk against reward when attacking. Splitting aggresively to eat a small player may leave you vulnerable to nearby opponents. Particularly if you’re leading the pack as the round nears it end, attacking be riskier than it’s worth – focus on vacuuming up dense pellet fields instead.
  77. •As a general principle, attack risk is higher the more limited your visibility & the more players in a round.
  78. •If your bubble is twice the size of your opponent’s bubble, split towards them aggressively. You’ll get a feel for the range of your launch over time. Good aim is just as critical as range. If you’re much larger than an opponent, you’ll be able to split two or even three times so as to catch even a fast, distant opponent.
  79. •Always be ready for opportunistic attacks as hapless players wander into your zone of influence.
  80. 5. DEFENCE
  81. •Defence is especially important in buy-in mode. It’s better to sacrifice some of your mass than lose the round (and your fee) entirely!
  82. •Don’t panic if an approaching player is only slightly bigger than you. They won’t be able to split-attack you without losing their size advantage. Also, their greater size makes them slower.
  83. •When size differences are minor, an opponent will have to be right on top of you to absorb you. If you want to increase your speed to get some distance, eject a little matter… but not so much that they can split-attack you!
  84. •Ejecting matter can sometimes work to throw attackers off your trail. Be like a fighter jet ejecting chaff to spoof incoming heatseeker missiles.
  85. •It’s often a good strategy to let an opponent chase you. You’ll be able to absorb pellets and they’ll starve in your empty wake. This will often frustrate an opponent, so wait for them to make a mistake, like launching a futile split-attack, then retaliate decisively.
  86. •If you’re in a split configuration being chased by a smaller, more unified opponent, lead them along as you wait for your bubbles to merge… As soon as you’re merged (see point 7), reverse direction and split towards your pursuer! The hunted becomes the hunter!
  87. •Sometimes an unexpected change or reversal in direction can throw off an attacker. If your smaller bubbles are getting eaten, make sure you split-escape in an unpredictable direction! At really close range, you can sometimes you can even split off through an attacker.
  88. 6. GRAZING
  89. After the early game, it’s usually safest not to completely divided. However, you can make an exception if you find a particularly dense field of pellets. Especially if you need to climb the leaderboard quickly as the round is ending, dividing allows you to consume a field quickly as your dispersed bubbles cover more area and move faster.
  90. 7. LURING
  91. Think like an anglerfish!
  92. Send out some minor bubbles as a tempting treat for your opponents.
  93. As they close in, pull back towards your main mass… then split back towards your opponent for a surprise attack!
  94. Even if the opponent splits aggressively and captures your bait, you’ll still be in the better position to attack their now-divided mass with a counter-launch.
  96. If divided and threatened, eject matter for your foremost bubble to absorb. If done correctly, your leading bubble will quickly outsize the rest. Now slow or stop movement to cluster and merge your bubbles. Practice this move, it’s useful but also dangerous if you mess it up.
  98. •Avoid corners and borders unless your size gives you dominance. Better to miss a temptingly dense pellet field than get trapped in a corner, where even greater speed can’t save you!
  99. •Conversly, try to move so as to herd weaker opponents into corners and towards mines, where they’ll be easy prey.
  100. •Don’t always move to where you opponent is now but rather to where they’re going.
  101. “A good hockey player plays where the puck is. A great hockey player plays where the puck is going to be.” – Wayne Gretzky
  103. Grab some buddies and work together over Teamspeak or Mumble! One player can assume the role of a gatherer, who grazes (point 5) then helpfully ejects mass into a predator, whose role is to absorb opponents. If opponents don’t know you’re working together, a surprise “feeding” can give the predator a real edge.
  104. Play now:
  106. Source: Coinlife

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