They were ignorant of

SUBMITTED BY: shopnuvem

DATE: July 19, 2017, 5:11 p.m.

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HITS: 2462

  1. They are easily excited to jealousy, disposed to look
  2. upon the dark side, and when you are laboring for
  3. their good, imagine that you are their enemy, that you
  4. needlessly reprove and restrain them.
  5. And have you not inquired where will all this end,
  6. as you have looked upon your children from a moral
  7. point of view? Have you not noticed the increase of
  8. disobedience in children, and their manifestations of
  9. ingratitude and impatience under restraint? Have you
  10. not been alarmed at their disregard of parental authority,
  11. which has bowed down the hearts of their parents with
  12. grief, and prematurely sprinkled their heads with gray
  13. hairs? Have you not witnessed the lack of that noble
  14. frankness in your children which they once possessed,
  15. and which you admired in them? Some children
  16. even express in their countenances a hardened look of
  17. depravity. Have you not felt distressed and anxious as
  18. you have seen the strong desire in your children to be
  19. with the other sex, and the overpowering disposition
  20. they possessed to form attachments when quite young?
  21. With your daughters, the boys have been the theme of
  22. conversation; and with your sons, it has been the girls.
  23. They manifest preference for particular ones, and your
  24. advice and warnings produce but little change. Blind
  25. passion overrules sensible considerations.
  26. 51
  27. And, although you may check the outward manifestations,
  28. and you credit the promises of amendment, yet, to your
  29. sorrow, you find there is no change, only to conceal the
  30. matter from you. There are still secret attachments and
  31. stolen interviews. They follow their willful course, and
  32. are controlled by their passions, until you are startled
  33. by perhaps a premature marriage, or are brought to
  34. shame by those who should, by their noble course of
  35. conduct, bring to you respect and honor. The cases
  36. of premature marriage multiply. Boys and girls enter
  37. upon the marriage relation with unripe love, immature
  38. judgment, without noble, elevated feelings, and take
  39. upon themselves the marriage vows, wholly led by their
  40. boyish, girlish passions. They choose for themselves,
  41. often without the knowledge of the mother who has
  42. watched over them, and cared for them, from their
  43. earliest infancy.
  44. Attachments formed in childhood have often resulted
  45. in a very wretched union, or in a disgraceful separation.
  46. Early connections, if formed without the consent of
  47. parents, have seldom proved happy. The young
  48. affections should be restrained until the period arrives
  49. when sufficient age and experience will make it
  50. honorable and safe to unfetter them. Those who will not
  51. be restrained, will be in danger of dragging out
  52. 52
  53. an unhappy existence. A youth not out of his teens is a
  54. poor judge of the fitness of a person, as young as himself,
  55. to be his companion for life. After their judgment has
  56. become more matured, they view themselves bound for
  57. life to each other, and perhaps not at all calculated to
  58. make each other happy. Then, instead of making the
  59. best of their lot, recriminations take place, the breach
  60. widens, until there is settled indifference and neglect of
  61. each other. To them there is nothing sacred in the word
  62. home. The very atmosphere is poisoned by unloving
  63. words and bitter reproaches. The offspring of such are
  64. placed in a much more unfavorable condition than were
  65. their parents. With such surroundings, such examples,
  66. what could be expected of them if time should continue?
  67. Mothers, the great cause of these physical, mental, and
  68. moral evils, is secret vice, which inflames the passions,
  69. fevers the imagination, and leads to fornication and
  70. adultery. This vice is laying waste the constitution of
  71. very many, and preparing them for diseases of almost
  72. every description. And shall we permit our children to
  73. pursue a course of self-destruction?
  74. Mothers, view your children from a religious
  75. standpoint. It gives you pain to see your children feeble
  76. in body and mind; but does it not cause you still greater
  77. grief to see
  78. 53
  79. them almost dead to spiritual things, so that they have
  80. but little desire for goodness, beauty of character, and
  81. holy purposes? Secret vice is the destroyer of high
  82. resolve, earnest endeavor, and strength of will to form
  83. a good religious character. All who have any true sense
  84. of what is embraced in being a Christian, know that the
  85. followers of Christ are under obligation as his disciples,
  86. to bring all their passions, their physical powers and
  87. mental faculties, into perfect subordination to his will.
  88. Those who are controlled by their passions cannot be
  89. followers of Christ. They are too much devoted to the
  90. service of their master, the originator of every evil, to
  91. leave their corrupt habits, and choose the service of
  92. Christ.
  93. Godly mothers will inquire, with the deepest
  94. concern, Will our children continue to practice habits
  95. which will unfit them for any responsible position in this
  96. life? Will they sacrifice comeliness, health, intellect, and
  97. all hope of Heaven, everything worth possessing, here
  98. and hereafter, to the demon passion? May God grant
  99. that it may be otherwise; and that our children, who are
  100. so dear to us, may listen to the voice of warning, and
  101. choose the path of purity and holiness.
  102. How important that we teach our children self-control
  103. from their very infancy, and teach them the lesson of
  104. submitting their wills to
  105. 54
  106. ours. If they should be so unfortunate as to learn wrong
  107. habits, not knowing all the evil results, they can be
  108. reformed by appealing to their reason, and convincing
  109. them that such habits ruin the constitution, and affect the
  110. mind. We should show them that whatever persuasions
  111. corrupt persons may use to quiet their awakened fears,
  112. and lead them still to indulge this pernicious habit,
  113. whatever may be their pretense, they are really their
  114. enemies and the devil’s agents. Virtue and purity are of
  115. great value. These precious traits are of heavenly origin.
  116. They make God our friend, and unite us firmly to his
  117. throne.
  118. Satan is controlling the minds of the young, and
  119. we must work resolutely and faithfully to save them.
  120. Very young children practice this vice, and it grows
  121. upon them and strengthens with their years, until every
  122. noble faculty of body and mind is debased. Many might
  123. have been saved if they had been carefully instructed
  124. in regard to the influence of this practice upon their
  125. health. They were ignorant of the fact that they were
  126. bringing much suffering upon themselves. Children who
  127. are experienced in this vice, seem to be bewitched by the
  128. devil until they can impart their vile knowledge to others,
  129. even teaching very young children this practice.
  130. Mothers, you cannot be too careful in preventing
  131. your children from learning low

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