Moon Bitcoin


DATE: Aug. 31, 2014, 12:07 p.m.

FORMAT: Text only

SIZE: 828 Bytes

HITS: 782

  1. hat is the moon Bitcoin?
  2. Moon Bitcoin Bitcoin is a faucet with a difference ... you decide how often you say!
  3. While most batteries only allow reservations once an hour or once a day, let us say as much or as little as you want *
  4. battery gradually fill up - fairly quickly, but initially will slow down in time - to your request. So you leave it more you will be able to claim.
  5. You may prefer to claim less every 5 minutes, or visit once a day and apply for a large amount, which was built during the absence!
  6. Your claim faucet accumulate in your account and the whole moon Bitcoin will be paid directly to the bitcoin wallet weekly on Sunday, providing a balance of at this time at least 5500 Satoshi.
  7. (* Minimum 5 minut między roszczeń na konto / adres IP)

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