The danger Smoking Create a Healthy Body


DATE: Feb. 3, 2016, 3:22 p.m.

FORMAT: Text only

SIZE: 829 Bytes

HITS: 1062

  1. Cigarette is dangerous. Who smokes it, the dangerous chemical will destroy his body slowly. After it's broken, the death is waiting.
  2. Why is cigarette dangerous? Read the following reasons to know why smoking is dangerous for your life:
  3. Cigarette is filled with nicotine. Nicotine is a chemical can cause addiction, break our brain, cause blood freezing, and solidify artery.
  4. Cigarette is filled with tar. It is a kind of chemical can kill cell in blood, increase production of mucous in our lung and cause lung cancer.
  5. Cigarette contains CO (Carbon monoxide) which ties up hemoglobin to make our body lack of oxygen, and disturb our blood transportation system.
  6. Cigarette contains Carcinogen which will grow up cancer in our body.
  7. Cigarette is filled with irritant which makes our lung dirty and cause cough.

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