never give up

SUBMITTED BY: ijazsial

DATE: April 18, 2021, 11:05 p.m.

FORMAT: Text only

SIZE: 1.1 kB

HITS: 526

  1. They're called Breadcrumbs because they're reminiscent of the trail of crumbs Hansel
  2. dropped in the woods so he and Gretel could End their way back home.
  3. Unlike "You are here" indicators, which show you where you are in the context of the site's
  4. hierarchy, Breadcrumbs only show you the path from the Home page to where you are.
  5. (One shows you where you are in the overall scheme of things, the other shows you how to
  6. get there—kind of like the difference between looking at a road map and looking at a set of
  7. turn-by-turn directions. The directions can be very useful, but you can learn more from the
  8. map.)
  9. You could argue that bookmarks are more like the fairy tale breadcrumbs, since we drop
  10. them as we wander, in anticipation of possibly wanting to retrace our steps someday. Or
  11. you could say that visited links (links that have changed color to show that you've clicked
  12. on them) are more like breadcrumbs since they mark the paths we've taken, and if we don't
  13. revisit them soon enough, our browser (like the birds) will swallow them up.

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