

DATE: July 21, 2014, 8:51 p.m.

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HITS: 767

  1. 11:01 PM - Matoking: Hey
  2. 11:01 PM - Yossarian: Hi
  3. 11:02 PM - Matoking: What's your take on that strike Israel did a day or so ago
  4. 11:02 PM - Matoking: if you don't mind me asking
  5. 11:02 PM - Yossarian: "That strike"
  6. 11:02 PM - Matoking: Well, they shot flechette shells and those ended up killing Palestinian civilians :/
  7. 11:04 PM - Yossarian: You do know that ever since Hamas started firing rockets, Israel did their best to bomb the rocket launchers and launching sites, which are smack down in the middle of heavily populated areas, trying really hard to avoid hitting civillians to the point of air dropping pamphlets of when they will attack and urges the palestinians to flee to safety?
  8. 11:04 PM - Yossarian: *Israel are doing their best
  9. 11:05 PM - Matoking: Well I'm not convinced
  10. 11:05 PM - Yossarian: Whatever you may think, it boils down to one simple fact: Israel uses rockets to defend their civillians, the Hamas uses their civillians to defend their rockets
  11. 11:06 PM - Matoking: That's never so simple
  12. 11:06 PM - Matoking: The civilians might be forced to stay put
  13. 11:07 PM - Yossarian: They probably are
  14. 11:07 PM - Matoking: And putting destroying launching sites above avoiding civilian casualties is pure madness, if you ask me
  15. 11:07 PM - Yossarian: Thing is, you can't just let Hamas bombard Israel without any retaliation
  16. 11:08 PM - Matoking: It's always the Hamas, isn't it?
  17. 11:08 PM - Yossarian: They even started digging tunnels to kill everyone in the nearby towns
  18. 11:09 PM - Matoking: There might be a reincarnated Hitler in there, but if it's gonna lead to civilian casualties, you don't do it
  19. 11:09 PM - Matoking: Well, that's how I see it :/
  20. 11:09 PM - Yossarian: They put up charges on a fucking donkey and sent it to the IDF to expllode
  21. 11:09 PM - Yossarian: *explode
  22. 11:10 PM - Yossarian: They aim on Israeli civillians
  23. 11:10 PM - Yossarian: Israel aims at the Hamas rocket launchers
  24. 11:10 PM - Matoking: There have been next to none Israeli casualties compared to casualties on the other side
  25. 11:11 PM - Yossarian: Because Israel uses their missles to protect
  26. 11:11 PM - Yossarian: Not attac
  27. 11:11 PM - Yossarian: k
  28. 11:11 PM - Matoking: And if that's what they're trying to do, they've chosen a damn inaccurate way to destroy those launchers
  29. 11:11 PM - Yossarian: And quantifying deaths is a terrible thing. Every death is terrible
  30. 11:12 PM - Matoking: Which is why I find the deal with "we're bombing Hamas' structures and getting civilian casualties at the same point but that's understandable" disgusting
  31. 11:13 PM - Yossarian: Would you rather have a ground invasion into Gaza?
  32. 11:14 PM - Matoking: I'd rather have Israel not bombing sites where they're bound to have collateral damage
  33. 11:16 PM - Yossarian: So tell Hamas to move their rockets
  34. 11:16 PM - Yossarian: Or better yet
  35. 11:16 PM - Yossarian: Not fire any
  36. 11:16 PM - Yossarian: Have some godamn peace on this bloody land
  37. 11:19 PM - Yossarian: Btw, Rami might enjoy this sort of debate
  38. 11:19 PM - Yossarian: Though he will be a lot more fierce
  39. 11:19 PM - Yossarian: Since he's a right wing
  40. 11:19 PM - Matoking: Yeah, I've done that
  41. 11:19 PM - Matoking: I just find it nigh impossible to believe someone would rationalize these kinds of actions
  42. 11:19 PM - Matoking: Israel's got the Iron Dome
  43. 11:20 PM - Yossarian: You know that the people living near the Gaza strip can't really leave their shelters, right?
  44. 11:20 PM - Yossarian: They have ~10 seconds to get to it once they sound the alarm
  45. 11:20 PM - Yossarian: And the shrapnel from the rockets can kill people
  46. 11:21 PM - Yossarian: Which means they can't leave
  47. 11:21 PM - Yossarian: Not to mention that there are probably a few people that chose to stay near the rockets (suicide bombers-esque). A small minority, but still
  48. 11:22 PM - Yossarian: And to be honest, Bibi (our prime minister) HAS to bomb and do a groudn invasion (because of the tunnels which are a serious threat) because if he wouldn't, his career will die
  49. 11:22 PM - Yossarian: *ground
  50. 11:23 PM - Yossarian: And there's a 90% success rate on the Iron Dome
  51. 11:23 PM - Yossarian: It seems high, which lets people become apathetic until it actually hits
  52. 11:23 PM - Matoking: The Iron Dome was added in 2011
  53. 11:24 PM - Matoking: And the rockets and mortars have been flying since 2001
  54. 11:24 PM - Yossarian: Yes, it was created as a response
  55. 11:24 PM - Yossarian: Look, a defensive response
  56. 11:24 PM - Yossarian: The times before the Iron Dome were really, really bad for people living in the south
  57. 11:25 PM - Yossarian: Not to mention that there used to be suicide bombers and people planting bombs on buses
  58. 11:25 PM - Yossarian: It's pure terrorism
  59. 11:25 PM - Yossarian: To clarify: No suicide bombers and bombs planted on buses lately
  60. 11:26 PM - Matoking: As of July 2014, 28 people have been killed by rockets/mortars coming from Gaza
  61. 11:26 PM - Yossarian: Bibi has a lot, and I mean A LOT of pressure to completely eradicate the Hamas by any means
  62. 11:26 PM - Matoking: Do you support that?
  63. 11:27 PM - Yossarian: There are many racist and bigoted right wingers calling to just turn Gaza to a parking lot
  64. 11:27 PM - Yossarian: Hamas IS a terror organization, and I would like to see it gone, but flattening it out completely? No.
  65. 11:28 PM - Yossarian: By it I mean the Gaza strio]
  66. 11:28 PM - Yossarian: *strip
  67. 11:28 PM - Yossarian: Hell, Israel moved away from it, to let the palastinians have their own government
  68. 11:28 PM - Yossarian: Israel also supplies food, water and electricity
  69. 11:28 PM - Yossarian: Which the Hamas (after risign to power in a "democractic" election) are taking advantage of
  70. 11:29 PM - Yossarian: Which reminds me, they even managed to fire a rocket and hit a power cord, thus cutting 70 thousand plastinans from electricity
  71. 11:29 PM - Yossarian: And it's Israel's job to fix it
  72. 11:29 PM - Yossarian: Even though they cut it. And they can't, because it's a war zone
  73. 11:30 PM - Yossarian: The Hamas even broke a humanitarin cease fire agreement
  74. 11:30 PM - Yossarian: *humanitarian
  75. 11:30 PM - Matoking: Well, I don't see this conflict coming to an end unless the civilians in Gaza step up
  76. 11:30 PM - Yossarian: I'd love this conflict to end
  77. 11:30 PM - Yossarian: I'd love ALL confilcts to end
  78. 11:31 PM - Matoking: Killing them doesn't really help
  79. 11:32 PM - Yossarian: Killing the Hamas operatives?
  80. 11:32 PM - Matoking: Civilians
  81. 11:32 PM - Yossarian: Well obviously
  82. 11:32 PM - Yossarian: It's not intended
  83. 11:33 PM - Matoking: I'd be sure Israel would have more support if they would focus on defending their own civilians instead of trying to take out Hamas
  84. 11:35 PM - Yossarian: ...Uh, Iron Dome? Hello? That shit's expensive, and it needs it's own system for each area/city. Developing it was pretty absurd at ~2000 since it needed laser guided rockets to recalibrate at real time. Do you know how much that costs? Enough to buy a few jet planes and more tanks and bombs
  85. 11:36 PM - Yossarian: The technology was hardly there
  86. 11:36 PM - Yossarian: Back at 2000
  87. 11:36 PM - Yossarian: That's the sole reason for your "Many deaths in Gaza, less tahn 10 in Israel" argument
  88. 11:36 PM - Matoking: I think the international community would be far more likely to support it financially if they weren't doing this shit like this
  89. 11:36 PM - Yossarian: *than
  90. 11:38 PM - Yossarian: Well, the US is helping with the funding, and sitting silently and taking it all is 100% NOT a viable strategy. Other countries would have flattened the Gaza strip and possibly also the West Bank a LONG time ago.
  91. 11:38 PM - Matoking: [citation needed]
  92. 11:38 PM - Yossarian: One second
  93. 11:39 PM - Matoking: Besides, what proof is there that the Hamas store munitions or anything in the places that are being bombed
  94. 11:39 PM - Matoking: one of which is a hospital, out of all things
  95. 11:41 PM - Yossarian: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cuban_missile_crisis
  96. 11:41 PM - Yossarian: The US didn't even let their neighboring country to get the rockets to fire
  97. 11:42 PM - Yossarian: Although these are nuclear bombs
  98. 11:42 PM - Yossarian: But the principle applies
  99. 11:42 PM - Matoking: That happened during the goddamn Cold War
  100. 11:43 PM - Yossarian: And? Israel is in constant threat, including but not limited to the Hamas, the Hezbollah, Iran, Syria
  101. 11:43 PM - Yossarian: Possibly also Lebanon
  102. 11:43 PM - Yossarian: Iran threatening with nuclear bombs
  103. 11:45 PM - Yossarian: http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/2014/07/13/israel-gaza-harper-hamas-human-shields_n_5582260.html
  104. 11:46 PM - Yossarian: Obviously, they can't report exactly how they find the rockets or where they are
  105. 11:46 PM - Yossarian: Because then Hamas will learn to cover their tracks
  106. 11:46 PM - Yossarian: Btw, have I been more fierce than Rami or less?
  107. 11:46 PM - Yossarian: Do you still have the logs from your debate with him?
  108. 11:47 PM - Matoking: No, it was a long time ago
  109. 11:48 PM - Yossarian: Damnit, was hoping to see stuff
  110. 11:48 PM - Yossarian: So who was more fierce?
  111. 11:48 PM - Matoking: Ehh, Rami I guess
  112. 11:48 PM - Yossarian: I'm a left wing, btw
  113. 11:49 PM - Matoking: This debate just reminded me why I tend to avoid this topic
  114. 11:49 PM - Yossarian: Yeah
  115. 11:49 PM - Yossarian: It's best to just spout some stuff about Peace and not get dragged to it unless both parties know their shit about the subject at hand and are willing to discuss it to extreme levels for a prolonged period of time
  116. 11:50 PM - Yossarian: I like peace

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