DATE: June 11, 2015, 9:22 p.m.

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SIZE: 2.6 kB

HITS: 399

  1. How does it work ?
  2. AdsPtp is a shared revenue advertising network, the rate varies according to the income earned by AdsPtp from these members.
  3. Registration
  4. Enter your information in the form « JOIN-US » then click on « Validate » to register with AdsPTp.
  5. Login
  6. Enter the current email and password you entered when registering on the form «LOGIN» then click «Validate» to connect to your «Member area» AdsPtp.
  7. Member area
  8. Once connected, you get on your «Dashboard» wherein there are four tables and a graph :
  9. - Table 1 shows your points from the current month.
  10. - Table 2 shows your number of sponsorship points from the current month.
  11. - Table 3 indicates the total amount of your earnings.
  12. - Table 4 shows the number of people you sponsored.
  13. - On the chart «Current month points», the green bar indicates the number of points per day and the blue bar indicates the number of points earned by your referrals per day for the month.
  14. All statistics of our advertising is calculated in real time !
  15. How do I earn points??
  16. In your member area, click on «Your links». On this page are the different advertising formats that you can place on your site if you are webmaster. If you have no site there is an «http://www.adsptp.com/id=» which happens to be your home page to promote in order to earn points.
  17. Every time an ad is seen by a visitor you earn points visible on your «Dashboard».
  18. Earn more with sponsorship !
  19. With AdsPtp sponsorship, you earn 50% of the points of your referrals.
  20. In your member area, click on «Sponsorship». On this page you will find the various sponsorship banners to place on your site, and members who don't have site your url sponsorship « http://www.adsptpcom/id= » to give to your friends and share (Facebook automatically add your referral link with a small text into your Facebook account).
  21. Payment of earnings !
  22. You can ask to be paid by Paypal or Payza from $10.
  23. In the beginning of each month your points are converted according to advertising gains earned by AdsPtp and the total number of points earned by our members. If your account has reached the $ 10 minimum payment you can make a claim for payment on the page «Payment» in your member's area.
  24. It is useless to ask the rate for 1000 points before the end of the month because AdsPtp is an shared revenue advertising network so the rate varies according to the income earned by adsptp from these members.

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