who is really behind MMM freeze


DATE: Dec. 14, 2016, 9:11 a.m.

FORMAT: Text only

SIZE: 578 Bytes

HITS: 617

  1. Safety Tips:
  2. 1. Make sure you are very close to your friends and relatives who are into MMM.
  3. 2.Observe their every movement and monitor where they are going to.
  4. 3. If you see any of them going close to a River, Ocean or Stream, raise an alarm and invite the police.
  5. 4. If you see any of them talking to him or herself, alert the nearest psychiatrist hospital.
  6. 5. If any of them begins to behave angrily and break or destroy things, please notify your friends and use cow rope to tie the person
  7. Please pass it round to save lives
  8. Have a sweet evening.
  9. #Long live MMM

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