patiently in well-doing which calls

SUBMITTED BY: james1994

DATE: Sept. 6, 2017, 5:01 p.m.

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  1. helping hand. Thus they hold them off at arms’ length. They have
  2. not learned that they have a special duty to go and search for these lost
  3. sheep. They must not wait till these come to them. Read the touching
  4. parable of the lost sheep. Luke 15:1-7 : “Then drew near unto Him all
  5. the publicans and sinners for to hear Him. And the Pharisees and scribes
  6. murmured, saying, This Man receiveth sinners, and eateth with them.
  7. And He spake this parable unto them, saying, What man of you, having
  8. an hundred sheep, if he lose one of them, doth not leave the ninety and
  9. nine in the wilderness, and go after that which is lost, until he find it?
  10. And when he hath found it, he layeth it on his shoulders, rejoicing. And
  11. when he cometh home, he calleth together his friends and neighbors,
  12. saying unto them, Rejoice with me; for I have found my sheep which
  13. was lost. I say unto you, that likewise joy shall be in heaven over one
  14. sinner that repenteth, more than over ninety and nine just persons, which
  15. need no repentance.”
  16. The Pharisees murmured because Jesus received publicans and
  17. common sinners, and ate with them. In their self-righteousness they
  18. despised these poor sinners who gladly heard the words of Jesus. To
  19. rebuke this spirit in the scribes and Pharisees, and leave an impressive
  20. lesson for all, the Lord gave the parable of the lost sheep. Notice in
  21. particular the following points:
  22. The ninety and nine sheep are left, and diligent search is made for
  23. the one that is lost. The entire effort is made for this unfortunate sheep.
  24. So should the effort of the church be directed in behalf of those members
  25. who are straying from the fold of Christ. And have they wandered far
  26. away, do not wait till they return before you try to help them, but go in
  27. search of them.
  28. 21
  29. When the lost sheep was found, it was borne home with joy, and
  30. much rejoicing followed. This illustrates the blessed, joyful work of
  31. laboring for the erring. The church that engages successfully in this work
  32. is a happy church. That man or that woman whose soul is drawn out in
  33. compassion and love for the erring, and who labors to bring them to the
  34. fold of the Great Shepherd, is engaged in a blessed work. And, oh, what
  35. a soul-enrapturing thought, that when one sinner is thus reclaimed, there
  36. is more joy in heaven than over ninety and nine just persons! Selfish,
  37. exclusive, exacting souls who seem to fear to help those in error, as
  38. though they would become polluted by so doing, do not taste of the
  39. sweets of this missionary work; they do not feel that blessedness which
  40. fills all heaven with rejoicing upon the rescue of one who has gone astray.
  41. They are shut up to their narrow views and feelings, and are becoming
  42. as dry and unfruitful as the mountains of Gilboa, upon which there was
  43. neither dew nor rain. Let a strong man be shut away from labor, and he
  44. becomes feeble. That church or those persons who shut themselves away
  45. from bearing burdens for others, who shut themselves up to themselves,
  46. will soon suffer spiritual feebleness. It is labor that keeps the strong man
  47. strong. And spiritual labor, toil and burden bearing, is what will give
  48. strength to the church of Christ.
  49. Sabbath and first day, April 18, 19, we enjoyed a good season with
  50. our people at Greenville. Brethren A and B were with us. My husband
  51. baptized eight. The 25th and 26th we were with the church in Wright.
  52. This dear people are ever ready to welcome us. Here my husband
  53. baptized eight.
  54. May 2 we met a large congregation at the house of worship at
  55. Monterey. My husband spoke with clearness and force upon the parable
  56. of the lost sheep. The word was greatly blessed to the people. Some who
  57. had strayed were out of the
  58. 22
  59. church, and there was no spirit of labor to help them. In fact, the stiff,
  60. stern, unfeeling position of some in the church was calculated to prevent
  61. their return, should they be disposed thus to do. The subject touched the
  62. hearts of all, and all manifested a desire to get right. On first day we
  63. spoke three times in Allegan to good congregations. Our appointment
  64. was out to meet with the church at Battle Creek the 9th, but we felt
  65. that our work in Monterey was but just commenced, and we therefore
  66. decided to return to Monterey and labor with that church another week.
  67. The good work moved on, exceeding our expectations. The house was
  68. filled, and we never before witnessed such a work in Monterey in so
  69. short a time. First day, fifty came forward for prayers. Brethren felt
  70. deeply for the lost sheep, and confessed their coldness and indifference,
  71. and took a good stand. Brethren G. T. Lay and S. Rummery gave good
  72. testimonies, and were joyfully received by their brethren. Fourteen were
  73. baptized, one of them a man near the middle age of life, who had felt
  74. opposed to the truth. The work moved on with solemnity, confessions,
  75. and much weeping, carrying all before it. Thus closed the arduous labors
  76. of the Conference year. And still we felt that the good work in Monterey
  77. was by no means finished. We have made arrangements to return and
  78. spend several weeks in Allegan County.
  79. The Conference just past has been a season of deepest interest. The
  80. labors of my husband have been very great during its numerous sessions,
  81. and he must have rest. Our labors for the past year are regarded favorably
  82. by our people, and there was manifested to us at the Conference,
  83. sympathy, tender care, and benevolence. With them we have enjoyed
  84. great freedom, and we part, enjoying mutual confidence and love.
  85. 23
  86. Chap. 2 - Doing for Christ
  87. From what has been shown me, Sabbathkeepers are growing more
  88. selfish as they increase in riches. Their love for Christ and His people
  89. is decreasing. They do not see the wants of the needy, nor feel their
  90. sufferings and sorrows. They do not realize that in neglecting the poor
  91. and the suffering they neglect Christ, and that in relieving the wants and
  92. sufferings of the poor as far as possible, they minister to Jesus.
  93. Christ says to His redeemed people: “Come, ye blessed of My
  94. Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the
  95. world: for I was an hungered, and ye gave Me meat; I was thirsty, and
  96. ye gave Me drink; I was a stranger, and ye took Me in: naked, and ye
  97. clothed Me: I was sick, and ye visited Me: I was in prison, and ye came
  98. unto Me.
  99. “Then shall the righteous answer Him, saying, Lord, when saw we
  100. Thee an hungered, and fed Thee? or thirsty, and gave Thee drink? When
  101. saw we Thee a stranger, and took Thee in? or naked, and clothed Thee?
  102. Or when saw we Thee sick, or in prison, and came unto Thee? And the
  103. King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch
  104. as ye have done it unto one of the least of these My brethren, ye have
  105. done it unto Me.”
  107. To become a toiler, to continue patiently in well-doing which calls
  108. for self-denying labor, is a glorious work, which Heaven smiles upon.
  109. Faithful work is more acceptable to God than the most zealous

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