The easiest $1 will make within 7min instant Paypal


DATE: May 17, 2015, 2:26 a.m.

FORMAT: Text only

SIZE: 690 Bytes

HITS: 1479

  1. Get 1$ instant in your PayPal for easy registration
  2. STEP 1: registration
  3. Click here:
  4. Create you account - Name, e-mail, Paypal e-mail
  5. STEP 2: wach the video
  6. Wach the video to the end (5 minutes)
  7. When the video ends click on video window
  8. Click the Facebook button (big blue under the video window)
  9. Share the video on FB (private or public)
  10. STEP 3: share on FB
  11. Log In your FB account and click on shared video!
  12. Go back in Shoemoney and click the green button (under the FB button)
  13. STEP 4: Confirm
  15. You have been paid $1.00 instant on your Paypal account

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