Easy Money

SUBMITTED BY: jhakz1234

DATE: Nov. 24, 2015, 2:04 p.m.

FORMAT: Text only

SIZE: 1.8 kB

HITS: 441

  1. How to earn money with Traffic Monsoon
  2. For Free User
  3. As a Free User in Traffic Monsoon, you will be entitled to receive free ads everyday. Those ads will range from 0.02 to 0.001 and they will appear randomly during the day. What you have to do is to surf the compulsory 10 ads a day. You can also try to get some referrals. You will earn 100% of their ad clicks. Example, if your referral clicks on a $0.01 ads, you will also rewarded $0.01.
  4. cash link
  5. For Upgraded User
  6. For upgraded user, you can use the free user method together with the method below.
  7. You need to buy ad packs in order to earn from Traffic Monsoon. One ad pack costs $50 and the sharing position will remain active, allowing you to share the revenues of Traffic Monsoon, until you have received $55 back.
  8. How to have a stable amount of income?
  9. If you’re a small user like me, and want to start small by buying 1 or 2 ad packs, reinvest is your friend. You buy ad pack and let it earn for you. One ad pack return an average $1 a day. So, around day 50, you will able to buy another ad pack again. Once you reach the amount that you are comfortable with, withdraw once a week.
  10. In my case, once I reached 10 ad packs, I will buy more ad pack on Monday- Saturday, and withdraw on Sunday. So that I can increase my income and have some pocket money while I buying extra ad pack.
  11. Reminder: This is not a “get rich tomorrow” things, you will need to invest time and patience in order to see this work. Eventually, Traffic Monsoon will bring you steady income in the future.
  12. I have earned $763.70.
  13. Reminder : “Results Not Typical”. This proof of payment is not a guarantee you would earn the same, but would be possible to earn this and more with an equal or greater strategy and work ethic.

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