Don't Ya Just Hate? #6

SUBMITTED BY: f5r1e5s0h

DATE: May 27, 2016, 9:10 p.m.

FORMAT: Text only

SIZE: 581 Bytes

HITS: 615

  1. That when there's less than a half of a cup of milk left in the gallon most people don't just drink a bit out of the glass they just poured and then finish it off? Instead they put it back in the fridge so when the time comes that you're like "Man, I really want a bowl of cereal." or you've got a bunch of Oreos you want to smash on and you open the fridge and see the gallon, relieved, then get immediately pissed off and angry when you see the two gulps left barely covering the surface of the bottom. No one should have to endure a roller coaster of emotions over milk.
  2. Ugh.

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