If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray


DATE: Jan. 22, 2019, 5:54 p.m.

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  1. If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray
  2. => http://guzzplanselllar.nnmcloud.ru/d?s=YToyOntzOjc6InJlZmVyZXIiO3M6MjE6Imh0dHA6Ly9iaXRiaW4uaXQyX2RsLyI7czozOiJrZXkiO3M6NzA6IklmIG15IHBlb3BsZSB3aG8gYXJlIGNhbGxlZCBieSBteSBuYW1lIHdpbGwgaHVtYmxlIHRoZW1zZWx2ZXMgYW5kIHByYXkiO30=
  3. Let your light so shine that God may be glorified by your light. Obviously not every single Israelite repented and prayed, but still it was national repentance. The full text of a sermon, part of which was preached at St Mark's and Putnoe Heights Church by The Revd Eric Royden on Sunday 21st April 2002 If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves, pray, seek my face and turn from their wicked ways I will hear them from heaven and heal their land 2 Chronicles 7:14 As we look at this country at the present time, we see a nation in moral and spiritual decline.
  4. And we must do this together. First, is the element of humble prayer to establish His church as a house of prayer for all nations. Brett Kunkle is the founder and president of , a movement to equip the next generation to know truth, pursue goodness, and create beauty.
  5. Then God put it on his heart to try prayer. History proves a house divided will not stand! Peculiar people have obligations to fulfill. If they disobey, they will be judged. ©2014 Tony Evans Unless otherwise noted, Scripture quotations are taken from The Holy Bible, New King James Version.
  6. IF MY PEOPLE... The Principles of Revival - Indeed, the conditions of the covenant are played out in the history of Israel.
  7. But as awesome a prophetic promise as it is for America, many believers forget that it is a conditional promise. When believers meet His conditions, God will honor His promise. As we look at this country, we see a nation that is morally bankrupt and in spiritual decline. Economic struggles, terrorist threats, sexual immorality, and the breakdown of families are just a few problems our country faces. In the darkest of situations, the Church can call out to God, and He will hear. This promise has not expired, but remains the key that makes it possible for all His people to take full responsibility for our condition and turn back the spiritual decline. In fact, God has given the Church four conditions to seeing His healing come to our nation and our lives, and they are all centered in changes that take place in our hearts. Those who are humble know what it means to grieve over their sins and the sins of others. Simply put, humility means we are utterly dependent on God, which is the opposite of pride. Both individually and as a Church there is a need to set aside our pride and humble ourselves. We must be willing to get on our faces before God, come to the cross of Christ with nothing but ourselves, and cry out to Him for a fresh outpouring of His Holy Spirit on our lives and out to the world. The sovereign God has ordained prayer as the tool to get His work done, and He works in accord with the praying of His people and His own sovereign will. Prayer not only prepares us to do His work, but it is the work that must be done before any other work for the Lord is done. However, we in the Church tend to do almost anything but pray and often treat prayers as though it is a last resort rather than the first thing we should do. We as individuals and the Church must pray. All the major revivals have come because of believers who were serious enough to cry out to God in prayer. God is personal, and we must deal with Him as a person. Too often, we seek the hand of God, which represents His works, instead if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray the face of God, which represents His nature and who He really is. When we seek His face, we see His holiness and love, which exposes our sin and depravity and selfishness. When we seek His face, we come with adoration and praise and worship, and we are changed and want to love Him more dearly and walk with Him more intimately. When we seek His face, we begin to hear His voice and discover His love and mercy that pardon us of all our sins. If we want to experience the presence of God that changes our lives and the world, we need to get rid of anything that pushes Christ from the center of our lives. It might be our complacency, apathy, and indifference to what God is concerned about — the poor, the brokenhearted, the exploited, or the unemployed. God hates sin and all forms of wickedness, whether it is abortion, sexual sins, lying, cheating, drunkenness, drug abuse, hatred, jealousy, envy, and fits of rage. And He is not pleased with a Church that refuses to stand out against the many great evils of our day — believers who never fight for what is right, who compromise in an attempt not to offend, who carry no cross and stand for nothing. He will encourage you to look to the problems again and get your eyes off God. He will try to get you to talk as if you are not sure if your prayer is answered. Take firm control of your thought life. Think on positive things Philippians 4:6-9. By praising God and confessing the relevant truths of the Word, cast down every thought that is contrary to your prayer. Keep speaking what the Word of God says on the issue at stake. Then, keep believing you will see your prayers answered. Never lose sight of the fact that there may be specific reasons why a prayer is not answered if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray. God may desire that your faith be exercised and strengthened through your patient waiting on Him. Settle it in your mind that God is always true and faithful to His promises. It may be that your heart is not prepared for the answer to your prayer, but it is on the way. And because for weeks, months, and years prayer remains unanswered, they cease to ask God, and thus they lose the blessing that, had they persevered, they would assuredly have obtained. When the heart is prepared for the blessing, it will be given by God. Keep on waiting upon God. Pray on and keep looking for answers. Only be sure you ask for things that are according to the mind of God. Exercise faith in the power and willingness of God to answer your requests. In His time and by His power, God will abundantly prove that your faith was not in vain. Posted by John Bornschein at National Day of Prayer Task Force The content provided on this website is provided as a service to members of the public. Information presented on this website is provided for informational purposes only. As to the quality and performance of this site and the accuracy or completeness of the content, it is assumed solely by you.

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