You Have ALREADY Been Hacked

SUBMITTED BY: f5r1e5s0h

DATE: April 28, 2016, 4:22 p.m.

FORMAT: Text only

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HITS: 515

  1. I'm going to go on a rant here. Those of you who have no idea what the darknet a.k.a deepweb a.k.a. hidden web is or can do for us as people are missing out on one of the most important lines of code and pieces of software ever created. Browsers such as the onion router or TOR as most know it as have been around for a couple decades. It's been used by the military, by journalists, by anyone who needed to communicate off of the radar of the internet that we know. The clearnet. All the darknet or deepweb is, is it's everything that the normal internet has not indexed or accounted for. Try and type a .onion URL into your Google Chrome browser and nothing will happen. You'll get a 404 error. Not found. EVERYTHING you type here on the clearnet is recorded. THE INTERNET NEVER FORGETS. It's all being logged somewhere. People always worry about 'Oh, I should only be worried if I were to get hacked.' YOU HAVE ALREADY BEEN HACKED! Any time you type in that credit card info into Amazon, you just got hacked. You hacked yourself. Any time you tell someone on eBay your shipping address, you have just been hacked. It's just a matter of whether that person has the intentions, means, resources, or can make a profit off of the information that you have just willingly giving them. This isn't a conspiracy theory, and I'm not some not nut-case with paranoia psychosis. This is the truth. The easiest way to find out who somebody is through their IP address. You know, that individual series of numbers given to you computer that's able to locate exactly where you are, what size monitor you're using. It's through this address that the criminal hackers who don't work for companies we know and use daily can get into your system through. They could take control of your computer while you are using it if they wanted to. Check your browser history, click through your pictures, hell, they could TAKE those pictures and let's say you have some intimates on there and use them to black mail you. The onion router or TOR and other browsers like them, can make this much more difficult for them to do, if not down right impossible if their skill set isn't up to par. I use an anonymity tool just to browse the clearnet and do the things I do daily because of the things I've learned through experience with TOR and on the darknet. I'm telling you guys. In a day and age where we store personal and sensitive information on something called 'the cloud' They are practically taking candy from a baby, and that candy is your credit card information and family pictures, and that baby is you. Quite literally, because you don't know any better. You know what a cloud is right? Like, a real cloud. Why on green's earth would we want to store our information that is SO technologically comparable to something in the sky like a cloud. Only the tech cloud can't even be seen, it's not tangible in the slightest. It's just some mysterious place our info is stored in case our tech crashes and we need to get it back. BUY AN EXTERNAL HARD DRIVE! BUY A FEW FLASH DRIVES! Back your shit up on those, because in the even that your main tech crashes. You still have your important shit on something tangible and you can go 'OH! PHEW! I'm glad I bought those two external hard drive with a terabyte of memory each. You know how much a terabyte is? That's 1000 gigabytes of memory and it's a tangible piece of hardware. Ok now god forbid you tech crashes and you didn't go out and get your external hard drives for back up. 'OH! PHEW! I'm glad the cloud has my......where did all of my information go?' You don't want to be stuck wondering. Play it safe. Browse anonymously, back up externally, and maybe even learn to use PGP encryption. We're facing a pretty fucky election right now. It's anyone's best guess as to when either candidate gets elected.
  2. The whole point of this rant, is please, just be careful with your information guys. The things I've seen on the dark net, some of that information could've been yours. The darknet can be used to our advantage, we're not all weapon and drug peddling, hitmen right? Well some of us are men purchasing drugs and playing the video game Hitman. lol Anyway end of rant. Hope some of it made sense. Be careful out there in the tech world. Yours could be the next Credit Card number for sale on a black market.
  3. -GG

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