
SUBMITTED BY: greg2401

DATE: July 7, 2016, 10:33 a.m.

FORMAT: Text only

SIZE: 714 Bytes

HITS: 596

  1. http://www.bitmatrix.tk/?lyonsgreg2014
  2. Bitmatrix.tk is a free 2x10 forced matrix system, where members get positions in a matrix and they generate Bitcoins as more people join and matrix fills up.
  3. If you never heard about forced matrix systems before it can be little confusing to understand it at first. Here how it works in short: imagine your matrix position at the top and when 2 new positions are added they will go underneath you and then 4 new positions underneath them and so forth up to 10 levels deep, and you get paid for every position under yours on all levels.
  4. Our website never stalls, thanks to advertisements that are displayed on our site, we make enough money to pay all our members.

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