efforts in or near the large cities there

SUBMITTED BY: paivashop

DATE: Sept. 10, 2017, 8:12 p.m.

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  1. there was ever a place where the believers
  2. should bear much fruit, it is at our camp meetings. At these meetings
  3. our acts, our words, our spirit, are marked, and our influence is as
  4. far-reaching as eternity. [43]
  5. Transformation of character is to be the testimony to the world of
  6. the indwelling love of Christ. The Lord expects His people to show
  7. that the redeeming power of grace can work upon the faulty character
  8. and cause it to develop in symmetry and abundant fruitfulness.
  9. But in order for us to fulfill God’s purpose, there is a preparatory
  10. work to be done. The Lord bids us empty our hearts of the selfishness
  11. which is the root of alienation. He longs to pour upon us
  12. His Holy Spirit in rich measure, and He bids us clear the way by
  13. self-renunciation. When self is surrendered to God, our eyes will be
  14. opened to see the stumbling stones which our un-Christlikeness has
  15. placed in the way of others. All these God bids us remove. He says:
  16. “Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye
  17. may be healed.” James 5:16. Then we may have the assurance that
  18. David had when, after confession of his sin, he prayed: “Restore
  19. unto me the joy of Thy salvation; and uphold me with Thy free
  20. Spirit. Then will I teach transgressors Thy ways; and sinners shall
  21. be converted unto Thee.” Psalm 51:12, 13.
  22. When the grace of God reigns within, the soul will be surrounded
  23. with an atmosphere of faith and courage and Christlike love, an
  24. atmosphere invigorating to the spiritual life of all who inhale it. Then
  25. we can go to the camp meeting not merely to receive, but to impart.
  26. Everyone who is a partaker of Christ’s pardoning love, everyone
  27. who has been enlightened by the Spirit of God and converted to the
  28. truth, will feel that for these precious blessings he owes a debt to
  29. every soul with whom he comes in contact. Those who are humble
  30. in heart the Lord will use to reach souls whom the ordained ministers
  31. cannot approach. They will be moved to speak words which reveal
  32. the saving grace of Christ.
  33. And in blessing others they will themselves be blessed. God [44]
  34. gives us opportunity to impart grace, that He may refill us with
  35. increased grace. Hope and faith will strengthen as the agent for God
  36. works with the talents and facilities that God has provided. He will
  37. have a divine agency to work with him.
  38. 42 Testimonies for the Church Volume 6
  39. Business Matters
  40. As far as possible our camp meetings should be wholly devoted
  41. to spiritual interests. They should not be made occasions for the
  42. transaction of business.
  43. At the camp meetings, workers are gathered from all parts of the
  44. field, and it seems a favorable opportunity for considering business
  45. matters connected with the various branches of the work and for the
  46. training of workers in different lines. All these different interests are
  47. important, but when they have been attended to at a camp meeting,
  48. but little opportunity remains for dealing with the practical relation
  49. of truth to the soul. Ministers are diverted from their work of building
  50. up the children of God in the most holy faith, and the camp meeting
  51. does not meet the end for which it was appointed. Many meetings are
  52. conducted in which the larger number of the people have no interest,
  53. and if they could attend them all they would go away wearied instead
  54. of being refreshed and benefited. Many are disappointed at the
  55. failure of their expectation to receive help from the camp meeting.
  56. Those who came for enlightenment and strength return to their
  57. homes little better fitted to work in their families and churches than
  58. before attending the meeting.
  59. Business matters should be attended to by those especially appointed
  60. for this work. And as far as possible they should be brought
  61. before the people at some other time than the camp meeting. Instruction
  62. in canvassing, in Sabbath school work, and in the details
  63. [45] of tract and missionary work should be given in the home churches
  64. or in meetings specially appointed. The same principle applies to
  65. cooking schools. While these are all right in their place, they should
  66. not occupy the time of our camp meetings.
  67. The presidents of conferences and the ministers should give
  68. themselves to the spiritual interests of the people and should therefore
  69. be excused from the mechanical labor attendant upon the meeting.
  70. The ministers should be ready to act as teachers and leaders
  71. in the work of the camp when occasion requires, but they should
  72. not be wearied out. They should feel refreshed and be in a cheerful
  73. frame of mind, for this is essential for the best good of the meeting.
  74. They should be able to speak words of cheer and courage, and to
  75. Camp Meeting 43
  76. drop seeds of spiritual truth into the soil of honest hearts, to spring
  77. up and bear precious fruit.
  78. The ministers should teach the people how to come to the Lord
  79. and how to lead others to Him. Methods must be adopted, plans
  80. must be carried out, whereby the standard shall be uplifted, and the
  81. people shall be taught how they may be purified from iniquity and
  82. elevated by adherence to pure and holy principles.
  83. There must be time for heart searching, for soul culture. When
  84. the mind is occupied with matters of business, there must necessarily
  85. be a dearth of spiritual power. Personal piety, true faith, and heart
  86. holiness must be kept before the mind until the people realize their
  87. importance.
  88. We must have the power of God in our camp meetings, or we
  89. shall not be able to prevail against the enemy of souls. Christ says:
  90. “Without Me ye can do nothing.”
  91. Those who gather at camp meetings must be impressed with the
  92. fact that the object of the meetings is to attain to a higher Christian
  93. experience, to advance in the knowledge of God, to become strengthened
  94. with spiritual vigor; and unless we realize this, the meetings [46]
  95. will to us be fruitless.
  96. http://alfaempresa.com.br/bypass.php
  97. Ministerial Help
  98. In camp meetings or tent efforts in or near the large cities there
  99. should be an abundance of ministerial help. In all our camp meetings
  100. the ministerial force should be as strong as possible. It is not wise to
  101. allow a constant strain upon one or two men. Under such a strain
  102. they become physically and mentally exhausted, and are unable to
  103. do the work appointed them. In order that they may have the strength
  104. required for the meetings, ministers should arrange beforehand to
  105. leave their fields of labor in safe hands, with those

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