to be a man

SUBMITTED BY: ablazecash

DATE: Feb. 1, 2017, 5:54 a.m.

FORMAT: Text only

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  1. To be a man means to be responsible for the situation and see that it is taken care of to best of your abilities. Wow! what an onerous burden! Plus the 'situations' of life are many,many and how are you suppose to know the best solutions. After all, how many chances are you going to get to perfect the art of offering bribes,or creating a favorable first impression at a formal gathering, or proper deportment at an orgy? Did you know that there is a form of good sports etiquette for poker playing or sailing or tennis? Most guys can probably do a fair explanation of home/auto maintenance, but who can fathom the murky world of females and their seductions? How do you choose a lawyer,how much to tip the concierge,how do you carve a thanksgiving turkey, can my baldness really be cured? You do the best you can but no one knows all the ropes.So you inevitably spend more time than you'd like screwing up and picking the pieces up. Finally in 1987 The Modern Man's Guide to Life came out. The authors did a fine job breaking a man's life into various chapters. Each chapter kind of gives a broad view and potential pitfalls and how to avoid them. As well, it tells what is expected of you in your role as a man. As a high light, there is sort of a side bar commentary from experienced guys in the ways of the chapter under study, additional practical advise. In 1987 this book was a God-send to a young man just on his own. My older son recently read the same book and assures me that 95% of the information is still up do date.(skip the chapter on clothes,now a days it's comical)People cut their hair different or change styles of clothes or listen to different music, but how to honorably handle yourself as a man never changes. At least this book gives you some tools start with.

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