Easy Money Earn


DATE: Aug. 30, 2017, 12:01 p.m.

FORMAT: Text only

SIZE: 3.8 kB

HITS: 321

  1. Okay guys, here is another guide how can you make some money!
  2. You have stumbled across literally the easiest money making method with CPALead I have ever seen.
  3. This will make you money. The process is simple, no researching, nothing to buy and no BS.
  4. ------METHOD---------
  5. We are going to be using CPALead to make our money. If you do not have an account with CPALead,
  6. go and make a new account here: http://www.cpalead.com/get-started.php?ref=783419 (yes this is my
  7. referal link, and i wolud kindly ask you to make account via my referal, cause Im giving you
  8. information on how to make money for free, and this could be a way you can say thanks to me :D )
  9. Our traffic is going to come from Twitter. We are going to be finding targeted traffic from people’s
  10. tweets. Twitter has an excellent search feature which allows you to search anybody’s tweets for a
  11. particular niche or topic. This is extremely powerful in that we have people literally telling us their
  12. needs that they desire to have fulfilled. Go to twitter.com/search to get a taste of this awesome feature.
  13. If you are logged in to Twitter you can access the search bar on the right hand column of your welcome screen.
  14. So what we want to do is come up with a certain problem people are having and help them fix it.
  15. The sky is the limit here. The possibilities really are endless. Once we have a niche, we are going to make
  16. a quick blog or website, put our information on the page and then put a CPALead gateway on top of it.
  17. It’s kind of like an indirect form of Yahoo answers with a big twist, the twist being we make money.
  18. So once you come up with a niche or a problem that needs solving and have relevant content along with a
  19. CPALead widget on your page, do a search on Twitter for your niche keyword(s). When you search be sure to add
  20. “-http” to the end of your search. This works just like it does in Google, it subtracts http from your searches
  21. and filters out other marketer’s tweets. When you find a relevant tweet go ahead and reply to them. Make your
  22. tweet sound real and not spammy. Also address the problem in your tweet. Do not post a direct link to your site
  23. in the tweet because a lot of times will get flagged or will be too many characters long.
  24. Instead use http://bit.ly to shorten your URL. Once you shorten it go ahead and throw it in your tweet and then it publish it.
  25. --------EXAMPLE-----------
  26. A really good niche I have used is the YLOD or Yellow light of death which describes a broken Playstation 3.
  27. When people experience this they tend to tweet about it. So what I did was find a PDF on fixing your PS3.
  28. It walks you through every step to fixing your PS3 if it has the yellow light or red light of death.
  29. Once I had my site ready I searched for the terms “ylod” and “yellow light of death” on twitter and i found this:
  30. name@username Sorry to hear about your stolen PS3. Mine recently YLOD and not having a PS3 sucks. Worse is losing
  31. the saves :(
  32. Here is an example of someone who just recently experienced the ylod and sounds pretty bummed. When I see these kinds of tweets
  33. I see dollar signs. Once I found this I clicked “reply” and then wrote something like this:
  34. “Sorry to hear about your PS3 man. I used this fix when it happened to me! http://bit.ly..........”
  36. 1. Picking up girls
  37. 2. Making money (if people tweet about losing their job or being broke)
  38. 3. Video game strategies (WOW, Farmville, and Mafia Wars are all hot)
  39. 4. Weight Lifting/Workout strategies 5. Anything from Twitter trends.
  40. Be creative, follow what’s hot and you will do very well with this method
  41. If you have any questions feel free to contact me on tismajobs@gmail.com
  42. Cheers!

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