Sanders campaign reviewing Iowa caucus totals, says actual result may never be known

SUBMITTED BY: mschosting

DATE: Feb. 2, 2016, 8:54 p.m.

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HITS: 709

  1. MANCHESTER, N.H. — The campaign of Democratic presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders has launched a review of the razor-thin margin of Monday night's Iowa caucuses, Sanders's campaign manager said Tuesday.
  2. “As an empirical matter, we’re not likely to ever know what the actual result was,” said Jeff Weaver, Sanders’s campaign manager, who cited as complicating factors the narrow margin, the “arcane” rules of the caucuses, the delayed reporting of some precincts and the technology used to reports the results.
  3. The Sanders review may not have any practical effect on how delegates are awarded, but "I think everybody has an interest in making it as accurate as possible,” Weaver said.
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