adult xxx story

SUBMITTED BY: Rotimiolad92

DATE: Oct. 22, 2017, 7:23 a.m.

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  1. I was naive as a kid,just a shy nerdy kid. s*x was foreign to me and i neva really found out about it till i was almost 19. Whenever my friends talked about their s*x escapades as teens, i would listen with keen interest,basking in the euphoria of the tale. It was as if i was living vicariously through their steamy stories.I rememba John’s stories d most,he was confident and had many older brothers.
  2. We looked up to him,although we were mates. Talking to girls was easy for him,and he had them around him always. I can recall vividly how he told us about having s*x in the school toilet with a girl named Clara. I felt hurt and intrigued at the same time because she was my ultimate crush,and we were just 14. I could not grasp it,how she could do something like that .
  3. Whenever i saw her walk by,the concocted image of John and her,writhing in S#xual ecstasy,would form in my head,and i would immediately avert my eyes,so as not to give away my emotions.Nevertheless i still enjoyed the stories,they were the highlights of my s*x life as a teen.I went thru secondary school without even kissing a girl. My fantasies were filled with them,hmmmm,girls,i knew when given the chance,i would take it with both hands. And that opportunity came,yes it came,with a bang,and i am forever glad that i was untainted,ready and willing. I met Stephanie when i was in 200level in the university. The second semester had just begun,i was at the bank to pay my school fees,as was alot of the oda students.
  4. I saw her standing near the queue, about 5 pple stood btw us. She wasnt beautiful,at least not in the sense that you and i understand. She was tall,dark and glamourous.Her slight hips protuded behind her,complementing her succulent firm bosoms. She had this dreamy look abt her,confident but s*xy**,independent but whimsical. Her inviting lips were doused with a touch of glossy wet lips. Kiss me till u die was literarilly written all over her. God!,i was lost, i stood there looking at her,gaping,wishing.
  5. I still rememba every single detail about that day. The sun was shining brightly,but it wasnt hot,a gentle breeze was caressing my face.Her dark skin glowed in the sun. I glanced around and noticed alot of guys eyes were fixed on her . I heard a guy talking behind me,he was telling his friend, “oboy u dey see that bird so ?! “,” i must cage am!”.My heart was beating fast,i stood no chance,there were better guys here,that would get this girl.That moment I wished she would say something,i wanted to hear her voice,so i’l carry it to my dreams,were i’d cherish it for eternity. I got tired of standing,so i sat on the lush,well trimmed grass,near the bank building.

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