The Fuller/Laundress(LABANDERA) Part 1

SUBMITTED BY: brenipanag

DATE: Jan. 25, 2016, 1:56 p.m.

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  1. Story of a Jews
  2. Our home had little fellowship to the Gentiles.The lone nations around the house is only our Janitor. And on Friday he also came for his tip, called us his "Friday of silver". She came to the door, unveils his hat, and offered my mother and six groschen.
  3. Aside from dyanitor, there were nations of laundry that had come to the house to get to the laundry room. And this story about this old.
  4. Was a woman, aged, and wrinkled forehead. When he and laundry to us, more than seventy. Often had the Jews to age like his sick, weak, and weak body. All the old women of our roads rough and staff go. But the laundry, although it’s thin and small, having health may follow poor backgrounds. Mom offered him a lot of laundry that accumulated within a few weeks. Lift them up, put on his little shoulders, and bring her home. Like us, he lived the way Krochmalna, but at the other end, near the Wola. If you lakton, there may be one and a half hour.
  5. Tel Next of: “TheLaundress (Part 2)”
  6. Thank you for reading…

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