Redhaven Outline


DATE: May 22, 2014, 1:03 a.m.

FORMAT: Text only

SIZE: 2.8 kB

HITS: 770

  1. Redhaven Outline helps students organize information for research, projects, and presentations. It seems to be geared toward older students, but could help anyone who needs to organize a lot of information. It's free and works well.
  2. The program opens with an introduction in outline format, so you can get familiar with what the program does and how the outlines will look. The interface is all-business, with a straightforward File menu over a split window. On the left is the current outline; on the right are fields in which you can enter information related to the outline, including Key Words, Summary, and Notes. You can also add a link to the Reference field, which you can open directly from the program. The right-hand side even has a basic editing toolbar, so you can format the information's font size, color, and more. When you open a new outline, you'll have two nodes: the first is the main or parent node, while the second is a child node. You can add more nodes by right-clicking on the outline, which pulls up a menu to perform other tasks, like replicating nodes, as well. The File menu offers ways to search your outlines and to customize how the outlines look. By default, the outline is in MLA format. While Redhaven proved easy to use, it's worthwhile to read through the initial introduction just to get the most from the program.
  3. For older students who need a way to organize information for school, this is a great free tool. With the options to customize the outlines, it also could be useful for anyone working on a research project.
  4. Publisher's Description
  5. From Rynelf Software:
  6. Redhaven Outline is a powerful organizational tool for students as they take notes, write papers, do research, prepare presentations. It uses the familiar outline format to allow the user to: 1. Create outlines and dynamically grow and modify them with ease. 2. Filter the information inside the outlines so that it can be viewed and exported in many different ways. 3. Search the information contained in the outlines. 4. Open other computer programs to immediately use the information contained in the outlines. For example, the outline can contain shortcuts to other programs, complete with command-line parameters and a start-up directory. Also file paths and web sites addresses can be stored in the outline and easily referenced. 5. Open many outlines at the same time, making it easy to switch from one to another and easy to copy from one to another. It is useful for anyone who needs to keep free-form information in an organized manner. It can be used to help write papers, to create presentations, to take notes, to organize one's computer activities, and to keep track of just about anything.
  7. What's new in this version: Version 2.3.5 include splash screen, Emergency Exit, various bug fixes.

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