Ghost adventures meet and greet 2017


DATE: Dec. 28, 2018, 11:41 p.m.

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  1. ❤Ghost adventures meet and greet 2017
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  3. With Halloween around the corner, paranormal fans can indulge in some real life ghost hunting with some of their favorite ghost hunting celebrities with these upcoming events. In 2010, the program won two Spooktalkular Parawards. We will be having multiple speakers that are knowledgeable in a wide variety of subjects pertaining to the paranormal, some of which are TV personalities! The social elites of the area often utilized the inn to entertain and entice those who were lured to the area by the burgeoning growth in industry.
  4. You can make payment at paypal. Retrieved 9 February 2010. During prohibition, the third floor had not yet been converted to guestrooms and therefore made for the perfect place to operate the Speakeasy, brothel and casino. Billy Tolley Having a solid background in audio editing and production software, Tolley was first intrigued by the paranormal after learning about electronic voice phenomena EVP.
  5. In the November 6, 2009 follow-up Ghost Adventures Live: Post Mortem, hosts Bagans and Groff reviewed the video and concluded that they couldn't claim any paranormal explanation for the incident. However, upon investigation of the video, it was found that he had actually thrown it. In 2009, the jesus won three International Paranormal Acknowledgement IPA Awards. The film also featured the into which the crew later returned during the series' fourth and seventh seasons and caught more substantial evidence. For those willing to shell out some extra cash for the VIP paranormal experience, you move to the front row and the front of the social for events and lectures. The lyrics recall Groff's spiritual journey. Retrieved 25 October 2014.
  6. - Archived from on 16 March 2012.
  7. VIP Celebrity Ghost Hunting Event with Actor and Paranormal Investigator Chad Lindberg. VIP Meet and Greet, 2 Psychic Mediums, Dinner, Accommodation, Exclusive Access to this very haunted location and private overnight Ghost Hunt with Chad and The Ghost Hunts USA Team. Price is per room, some rooms can accommodate 4 guests. All taxes including Room Taxes and gratuities are included. Single Person Supplement is available, please contact the office on 866. Phantom smells that have been attributed to a deceased perfume salesperson, full-bodied apparitions that look oddly similar to long-gone celebrities, childlike apparitions giggling and running through the corridors, these are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the past patrons of The Glen Tavern Inn. An apparition that has been witnessed on multiple occasions is that of a woman that haunts the first floor. One guest tells of seeing her in Room 106 where she suddenly disappears through a solid wall. Another reports seeing a woman of the same description appearing in 103 taking care of someone that appeared to be ill in bed. The second floor also has strange activity that has been experienced and captured by guests. Laughter as children run up and down the corridors, inexplicable sleep paralysis by guests, loud knocking on the door in the middle of the night with no one in the hallways…are the kids trying to get the guests to play a game of hide-and-go-seek? Would you play with a ghost? The most activity reported has been experienced on the third floor, particularly room 307. During prohibition, the third floor had not yet been converted to guestrooms and therefore made for the perfect place to operate the Speakeasy, brothel and casino. Stories of a prostitute that was beheaded and left in a closet as well as a cowboy who was shot in the head seem to resonate around the infamous 307. Ghosts of the Glen Tavern Inn Of all the spirits that have been known to roam the corridors of the Glen Tavern Inn, perhaps the two most infamous apparitions are the prostitute and the Cowboy, Calvin. The Cowboy has been seen on many occasions but most often in Room 307. Many believe he met his demise when suspected of cheating at a game of cards when the 3 rd floor was used as a casino during Prohibition. Evidence of his shooting was found behind the walls during a renovation through the discovery of a Cowboy hat with what appeared to be two bullet holes through the crown and blood that had long since dried. Investigators have captured the picture of a tall, thin man wearing a white shirt, with long hair and a goatee that they believe to be the spirit of Calvin. The lore that surrounds her story says that her body was left in a closet to be discovered by a maid. Many guests have said that they saw her apparition in the form of a mist and heard a feminine voice while suddenly overcome with cold chills and hearing random knocks. There are other apparitions that often make appearances at the Glen Tavern Inn. Children have been both seen and heard running through the corridors and knocking on doors. One couple reported a young girl that walked through the wall into their room. And the sound of laughter has often been reported during the wee hours of the morning that suddenly stops when guests go to investigate. Since its erection in 1911, The Glen Tavern Inn has made quite the impression on the Santa Paula community. Now, the beautiful English Tudor style Inn serves as a beautiful bed and breakfast that is often used for romantic excursions. However, it also is a symbol of an interesting, intriguing and somewhat scandalous history. During the turn of the century, prominent members of the Santa Paula community decided to construct an establishment across from the train station that would serve the influx of visitors from the citrus and oil industries. Offering booze, a place to lay your weary head and entertainment. The social elites of the area often utilized the inn to entertain and entice those who were lured to the area by the burgeoning growth in industry. When Prohibition hit the U. The third floor had not yet been converted into guestrooms and this space served as a convenient and well frequented Speak Easy. With illegal booze often comes the fun of brothels and gambling and there was no exception in this case. A lot of the haunted lore still linger from this seedy era with stories of murder, deceit, shootouts and general unruliness on the part of the patrons. Actors, Directors and those working on the films were known to frequent the inn. John Barrymore, Harry Houdini, Clark Gable, Carol Lombard, John Wayne and even the famous canine Rin-Tin-Tin were said to have stayed within these walls. But just as important as the glittering age of Hollywood is the role the inn served in World War II, housing the female war employees. Between this time and when the foreclosure proceedings began in 1974, the hotel changed hands as the economic booms in other parts of the country bypassed the area. Without Oil, Hollywood and the Train Depot, there was very little to maintain this once glamorous site. Fortunately, there are those who appreciate the necessity to preserve history. With a mild setback of a fire that was quickly contained, the project was so successful that The Glen Tavern Inn received Certificates of Special Recognition from the US Senate, US Congress, and The California Assembly for the success of restoration. For those of us in the paranormal world, we are quite fortunate that this restoration was a success. The lives of those who have entered The Glen Tavern Inn still sing to the guests, telling their stories and bringing the past to life!

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