Popular Diets: Nine-Day Diet: Lose Up To 9 Kg.

SUBMITTED BY: cheetah22

DATE: June 3, 2017, 9:47 p.m.

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  1. Popular Diets: Nine-Day Diet: Lose Up To 9 Kg.
  2. To get rid of superfluous 3-9 kg for nine days to us the "Nine day diet" which was created by known dietician Margarita Koroleva will help us. What should you eat during a diet? The first three days we eat only rice, the next three days - chicken or fish, in the final three days we consume vegetables. During this diet, vitamin-mineral complex is replenished in the body and the volume of the stomach decreases. Very effective is the "Nine-Day Diet" in combination with physical exertion. Massage and water procedures during this diet will not be superfluous.
  3. The first 3 days in the menu are rice, water and honey.
  4. We prepare the rice like this:
  5. In order to wash off the starch with rice, do the following. A portion of rice (1 glass - 250 grams) in the evening we pour cold water, in the morning we throw it back in a colander and rinse it with cold water. Then we need to put the races in a saucepan, pour hot water in a 1: 2 ratio and cook for 15 minutes. We divide the rice into 5-6 equal parts and eat it throughout the day. Until 20.00, the last portion of rice should be eaten. Together with the ingestion of food, you must always drink water, you must drink water evenly, in the evening you should not drink a lot of water in any case. For example, after 19-20.00 one glass of water should not be drunk. The volume of water daily should be 2-2.5 liters.
  6. Together with rice and water we eat honey, 3 teaspoons a day. Honey should be eaten with a spoon, washed down with water.
  7. Effect : rice acts as a sorbent, purifying our body of accumulated slag.
  8. The next 3 days in the menu: chicken (lean fish), water and honey.
  9. For every day you need: a chicken weighing about 1200-1300 g, or chicken or fish of low-fat varieties (ice, cod, pollock, hake, etc.) 700-800 g - every other day, 2-2.5 liters of water, 3 teaspoons of honey.
  10. Preparation: Boil a chicken or fish from the evening, cook well in a double boiler. Before breakfast, drink 1 glass of water and eat the chicken (fish). Peel off the chicken necessarily remove and discard, and eat, the whole leg and part of the back - about a fifth of the bird. The remaining chicken meat is separated from the bones, peeled and mixed with white and red meat. We divide the mass into 5 parts and eat during the day. But we must remember that the last meal should be no later than 19.00.
  11. But if you decided to eat fish, then do the same - divide the fish boiled fillet into 6 parts and eat it during the day. Fish can be eaten with herbs (parsley, dill) - a little and allowed a few drops of lemon juice for each serving of fish.
  12. Fish and chicken can not be combined! There is one day a chicken, on the second day a fish - for example. Just like the first three days you need to drink water and eat honey.
  13. Effect: in our body protein comes, and fat cells leave fat.
  14. In the final 3 days on the menu: vegetables, water and honey.
  15. For each day will need 1 kg of vegetables. Mostly white and green (white cabbage, zucchini, onions). Carrots, pumpkins, beets, tomatoes are allowed, but they need to be taken less than white and green. Approximately half a kilogram of vegetables finely cut and stewed in water or cooked for a couple. From the rest we prepare a salad-brush:
  16. Ingredients: 1 raw beet, 1 raw carrot, several sheets of cabbage, a little fresh greens, a few drops of lemon juice, 1 teaspoon of olive oil, 1 tablespoon of water.
  17. Preparation : peeled vegetables rubbed on a large grater, cabbage and greens finely chopped. Mix and season with lemon juice with olive oil, add a tablespoon of water (so the salad will be juicier).
  18. Every day we divide the stewed vegetables into three parts and the salad brush is also divided into three parts and eaten during the day. Wash down with water and honey using the same scheme as in the previous days.
  19. Effect: the vitamin and mineral complex of the body is replenished. The volume of the stomach decreases.
  20. With the exact observance of the "Nine-Day Diet", 3-4 kg of people are lost in people of the average complexion, in 6-9 kg more complete people.
  21. Margarita Koroleva advises that to maintain the effect of a diet, you need to arrange yourself once a week kefir unloading day.
  22. But We Must Remember That:
  23. - in case of cardiovascular diseases, a large amount of liquid is contraindicated;
  24. - Protein loads (three days of chicken or fish) are contraindicated for patients with kidney disease, especially if the kidney function is reduced.

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