Simple Money Method


DATE: July 25, 2021, 5:57 p.m.

FORMAT: Text only

SIZE: 590 Bytes

HITS: 511

  1. Money Method
  2. First , go this Link :
  3. Second , go to Sign up and create a new account , use this
  4. REFERRAL CODE : 5fae584a129a594fcb59d6c4
  5. (when you use this code u get extra 5 $ for me and u )
  6. Last thing , Confirm your Email and dont worry if u dont get verification fast its because the website is still new and dont have many employes due to Covid19
  7. Important : to withdraw money u need to wait until the website is finally launched like in June or before that . they will send u in email
  8. Enjoy guys <3 if u have any problem contact me

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